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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网


Use the verb+ noun or adj. +noun collocation

砍伐森林 to cut down the forests筑坝拦河 to dam the streams发出警告 to sound a warning受到表扬 to receive praise激起热情 to fire one's imagination激发想象 to finish college大学毕业 to finish college政府干预 government intervention人造卫星 man-made satellite学术报告 academic reports 强烈反对 fierce opposition热心读者 avid reader严酷事实 farsh facts上……课 to take a course in…连续10天ten consecutive days新华社 Xinhua News Agency畅销书 best-seller环保 environmental protection

use the “useful expression”

1 尽管年纪小,没经验,这位小演员同一起工作的明星们却能无拘无束地相处。

Though young and lacking in experience, the young actor is at ease with the film stars with whom he is working.

2 没过一会儿,巴德先生就发现他的顾客是警察通缉的那个人。

Not long after, Mr. Budd found out that his customer was the man on the police's wanted list.

3 在完全了解自己严重病情的情况下,吉姆在生命最后几个月里作出许多勇敢的选择。

Fully aware of his serious illness, Jim made many courageous choices in the last few months in his life.

4 1998年中国的水灾向中国人民发出了严重警告。

The flood in China in 1998 sounded a serious warning to people all over the country.

5 怎样培养好独生子女在中国印发了许多辩论。

How to bring up the only child properly has stired up much controversy in China.

6 詹姆斯是在牛津时接触到莎士比亚的著作的。

James got acquainted with Shakespeare's works when he was at Oxford.

7 当我发现那位著名画家竟与我家有亲戚关系时,感到十分惊讶。

I was very surprised to find that the famous painter was connected to our family.

8 人在剧烈活动时,肌肉中的蛋白质会分解的更快。

Muscle protein will break down more quickly when one is doing strenuous exercises.

9 那个少年使琼斯太太回想起她自己在过去的困难日子里的痛苦经历。

That young boy remained Mrs Jones of her bitter experiences in the difficult days in the past.

10 这个村子一定是遭受了龙卷风的袭击,我们看到到处都是被破坏的房屋和被吹倒的树木。

This village must have been hit by hurricane, for we saw the ruined houses and the fallen trees all over the places.

11 尽管有风险,他们还是坚持把实验做完。

In spite of the risks, they persisted in finishing the experiment.

12 我知道有这么一位艺术家,但没有见过面。

I know of such an artist, but I've never met him.

Use break,reach and start.

1 不知道我们的请柬是否已经到达他那里。

I don't know whether our invitation card has already reached him.

2 任何违反交通规则的司机都将被罚款。

Any driver who breaks the traffic rules will be fined.

3 他到的时候,我们正要出发。

We were about to start when he arrived.

4 她把药放在了儿子够不找的最上面的架子上。

She put the medicine on the top shelf beyond the reach of her son.

5 在争吵的过程中她将一面镜子摔到地上,把它摔碎了。

During their quarrel, she threw a mirror on the ground and broke it into pieces.

6 足球比赛刚刚进入高潮,突然下起雨来。

Hardly had the football match gone into climax when it started to rain.

7 我们谁也不敢把这坏消息告诉他。

None of us dares to break the bad news to him.

8 去查问一下庆祝活动几点钟开始。

Go to check what time the celebration starts.

9 天气预报说今天的最高温度将预计达到摄氏38度。

Weather report says today's highest temperature is expected to reach 38℃。

10 他没法开动割草机,跑去找他父亲帮忙。

Unable to start the lawn mower, he rushes toward his father for help.

Translate the following sentences into English,using both,either or neither.

1 你能告诉我该读哪本书吗?我认为你两本都该读。

Can you tell me which book I should read? I think you should read both.

2 我的两个最好的朋友都没来参加我的婚礼。

Neither of my two best friends has come to attend my wedding.

3 你想喝点什么?茶和咖啡都行。

What would you like to drink? Either tea or coffee.

4 这两个国家都不支持这种做法。

Neither of the two countries supports this practice.

5 我当然祝愿你们两个都好。

Of course I wish both of you well.

6 他们俩谁都不知道这个秘密。

Neither of them knows the secret.

7 你要么给他打个电话,要么给他写封信。

You either call him or write him.

8 我既不认识他也不想认识他。

I neither know him or want to know him.



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