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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

21. His perception of possibilities enlarged. 他对奇迹发生的可能性认识扩大了。

He became more aware that miracles were possible.

22……For a time he stared at it,and then looked up and met his own gaze in the looking glass. 他凝视蜡烛片刻,然后抬起头来,在镜子中他看到了自己凝视的目光。

stare:凝视,盯着瞧 (因为惊讶,好奇,而盯着看,或粗鲁无理等而睁大眼睛地盯着看)

A person stares in wonder,surprise,stupidity,curiosity or from mere rudness.

gaze:凝视 (通常暗示目不转睛地凝视。这种凝视是由于惊奇、喜好或兴趣引起的。)

For hours he gazed at the stars,thinking to himself how they came into being.好几个小时他望着星星,想着星星怎么形成的。

23. “What about miracle now?”said Mr. Fotheringay,addressing his own reflection. “你现在对奇迹怎么看?”佛泽林盖先生对镜子里的自己说道。

Now what do you think of miracles?Do you still think them impossible?Mr. Fotheringay spoke to his own reflection in the mirror.

What about…?一般用来询问情况,或提出建议

What about Ms. Brown?Is she joining us in the visit to China?布朗夫人怎么样?她会和我们一起去中国旅行吗?

What about going to Tianjin during the National Day holiday?国庆节放假去天津好吗?

address:to speak to a (person or audience) 对 ……… 讲话

General Li is going to address the air force tomorrow. 李将军明天将对空军讲话。

Foreign Minister Li is going to address the United Nations on the subject of war and peace. 李外长明天将在联大作有关战争与和平的演讲。

24. So far as he could see,he had only to will the thing.据他看来,他只须表达出意愿来,事情就会办成。

According to his understanding,he had just to try to make something happen with his mental power,it would happen.

so/as far as *******. can see (know,remember…)据某人所知,表示对要说的情况的准确性尚无百分之百的把握,只是个人的看法或感觉。(as far as )更普通。

So far as I remember,he came to this city 20 years ago. 我记得他是 20 年前来到这个城市的。

As far as I can see,he is a reliable person whom you can turn to in difficulty. 据我所见,他是一个你在困难时可以向他求助的可靠的人。

25.In the early hours of the morning he reached the fact that his will power must be unusual and strong.到次日凌晨,他已经得出结论:他的意志力肯定是非凡的、强大的。

Soon after midnight he had concluded that his will power was unusual and strong.

the early/small hours of the morning:the period of time soon after midnight 凌晨

reach the fact that:conclude that 认识到事情的真相,得出结论

They soon reached the fact that their project would never be approved. 他们很快认识到他们的工程永远不会批准。

26.The fears of his first discovery were now mixed with pride and ideas of advantage.刚发现自己超凡能力时的恐惧心情这时已经掺入了自豪感和优越感。

Now he had a mixed feeling about his extraordinary power. ……while he was still afraid,he felt pride and a sense of superiority.

(of motion) be mixed with (another ):感情的交杂

The joy Mrs. Mallad felt at her hu*****and's death was mixed with guilt.听到丈夫去世的消息,马拉德太太感到欣喜,欣喜之中又包含着内疚。

27.As he struggled to get his shirt over his head,he was struck with a brilliant idea.在他费劲地从头上脱下衬衫的时候,他突然想到了一个绝招。

As he took off his shirt with difficulty,an idea came to him and impressed him as extremely clever.

struggle to do sth/to sth/for sth. 费劲地做……

The man struggle to his feet and went on. 那个人费劲地站起来,继续往前走。 These people toiled day and night and struggled for survival. 那些人日夜劳作,为生存而努力。

At that time my father struggled to bring up our family. 那时候,我父亲艰难地维持一家人的生活。

be struck with/by/ on:to be favourably impressed by 突然想到,被……留下印象

I was struck by his proposal. 他的提议给我留下深刻的印象。

The speech struck deep into the minds of the people.演说深深打动了人们。

I was struck with a happy thought. 我突然有一个愉快的想法。

28.…was thoughtful all through breakfast –time 吃饭时他一直在琢磨着。

…he was thinking deeply all the time when he was having breakfast.


Mary was thoughtful for a while and then replied ,“No”。玛丽认真考虑了一会儿然后回答说“不”。

It was very thoughtful of you to remind me of bring the raincoat.你想得很周到提醒我带雨衣。

29.At last his mind turned again to cautious experiments.最后他又想到要谨慎地做试验。

Finally he thought of trying a few more miracles.

turn to:go to *******./sth. for help,advice向……求助,求助于……

He is a person you can turn to in a crisis.他是一个在危机时刻你能求助的人。

When I am in trouble,I always turn to my sister for advice.当我有麻烦时,我总是向我的姐姐要主意。

30. He hurried to work in a state of profound but carefully concealed excitement.他赶忙去上班,情绪激昂,但又藏而不露。

He hurried to work with high spirit,but he tried to hide his excitement carefully.



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