  查字典自考网 >> 公共课 >> 综合英语(二)上册语法及课后翻译(15)


发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网


Use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation.

交通原则 to make adaptation to principles批准项目 to approve of a project贿赂某人 to bribe somebody颠覆政府 to overthrow the government开发潜能 to develop one's potential抵制诱惑 to resist temptation施加压力 to put pressure on行为检点 strict conduct索要贿赂 to seek bribes军火交易 arms deal实施法律 to impose law制定法律 to make law海外市场 overseas market行为准则 code of conduct职业道德 professional ethics进口许可证 import licence撤军 to withdraw the troops撤诉 to withdraw allegation受贿 to take bribes

use the “useful expressions.”

1 她很想再吃一份,尽管知道这对她并不好。

She attempted to have another helping, although knowing it would do her no good.

2 私立学校正在中国的大城市里兴起。

Private schools are no the increase in big cities in China.

3 警察把非法闯入政府的军事网络的年轻人抓了起来。

The police has caught the young man who had illegally broken into the military web of the government.

4 在任何情况下我们都应该信守诺言。

We should stand by our promises under any circumstances.

5 在一个案件中,几个政府官员被控犯有贪污和受贿罪。

In a court case, several government officials were accused of embezzlement and taking bribes.

6 双方之间的谈判几年以来一直在秘密进行。

Negotiation between the two parties has been going on in private in the past few years.

7 委员会由资深教授和杰出的科学家组成。

The committee consists of senior professors and remarkable scientists.

8 政府正加速国营企业的改革。

The government is speeding up the reform in state-owned enterprises.

9 他们在试验了几个办法之后才偶然找到了一个解决办法。

They hit upon a solution after trying several methods.

Use pay,offer and favor.

1 父母亲不能太偏爱自己的任何一个孩子。

Parents can not favor any of their children too much.

2 北京电视台已经开始有选择地提供一些国外的节目。

Beijing TV station has begin to offer selectively some foreign programs.

3 你能帮我一个忙,给我讲讲国际互联网是怎样运做的吗?

Will you do me a favor and tell me how the Internet works?

4 销售经理没有告诉任何人他为了使货物顺利通过(海关)支付了多少钱。

The sales manager didn't tell anybody how much he had paid to clear cargoes at the customs.

5 做这个工作,他们愿向他提供5万元的年薪。

They are willing to offer him an annual salary of ¥50,000 to do the job.

6 这家旅店早餐免费吗?

Does this hotel offer free breakfast?

7 大学向青年人提供了许多开阔思路的机遇。

University offers young people many opportunities to broaden their mind.

8 新的税法似乎有利低收入家庭。

The new tax law seems to favor low-income families.

9 为了获得一项重要合同,那家公司提出资助部长的儿子在国外学习。

In order to secure an important contract, that company offers to finance the minister's son to study abroad.

10 对孩子的教育进行投资是有好处的。

It pays to invest in children's education.

Translate the following sentences into English using more and most.

1 他不可能超过五十多岁。

He can not be more than fifty.

2 在那个地区,妇女的嫁妆不仅仅是财富的象征,还是权利的象征。

In that area, women's dowry is more than a symbol of wealth, it is also a symbol of power.

3 你有什么事请随时来找我,我会非常乐意帮助你的。

Come to me whenever you need help. I'll be more than pleased to help you.


A whale is no more a fish than a horse.

5 与其说他很节省,不如说他很小气。

He is more miserly than economical.

6 你真是太好了,亲自到机场来送我。

It's most kind of you to come to the airport in person to see me off.

7 我们很有可能不会再有这样的机会了,所以一定要充分利用它。

It's most likely that we can't have such opportunities as this, so you must make the most of it.

8 与其说他是凭技术得到了那份工作,还不如说是靠运气。

He got that job more by skill than by chance.



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