  查字典自考网 >> 文学 >> 07年4月自考“英语国家概况”串讲(7)


发布时间: 2016-06-29 来源:查字典自考网

151. When was Canada given internal self-government?

A. In 1791 B. In 1840 C. In 1848 D. In 1867

152. In 1931 by_______Canada was formally declared to be a sovereign nation and became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.

A. the Peace Treaty of 1919

B. the Statute of Westminster

C. the Meek Lake Accord

D. the Constitutional Act

153. In 1949_________became Canada's tenth province.

A. Newfoundland B. Prince Edward Island C. Labrador D. British Columbia

154. The NBA Act created a new country out of the following except________.

A. Nova Scotia B. New Brunswick C. the United Canada D. Pritish Columbia

155. ________cut the last legal tie between Canada and Britain and transferred the Constitutional amending power from the British government to Canada.

A. The NBA Act of 1867

B. The Meech Lake Accord

C. The Constitutional Act of 1982

D. The referendum in 1995

156. The highest point in Australia is________.

A. Mount Yukon B. Mount Kosciusco C. Ben Nevis D. Scafell

157. Australia's most common plants are_________.

A. oaks and elms B. palms and pines

C. willows and poplars D. eucalypts and wattles

158. What animals are regarded as Australia's national fauna?

A. Koalas and possums B. Emus and kangaroos

C. Echidnas and platypuses D. Budgerigars and cockatoos

159. ________is the Aboriginal name for Ayers Rock. Which is considered to be the largest individual rock mass in the world.

A. Canberra B. Uluru C. Manitoba D. Alberta

160. With regard to its size,Australia is the________largest country in the world.

A. third B. fourth C. fifth D. sixth

161. Australia is politically divided into______states and______territories.

A. four / three B. five / two C. six / three D. six / two

162. Why is Australia's New South Wales called the premier state? Because it________.

A. is was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.

B. is the biggest state in Australia

C. is the most important state in Australia

D. has the largest population in Australia

163. The Great Barrier Reef is included on the World Heritage list because________.

A. it has the most beautiful seascape in the world

B. it has the largest number of islands in the world

C. it has the most diverse and complex maritime life in the world

D. it has the longest coast in the world

164. Adelaide. The capital of South Australia, is internationally known for its_________.

A. wine B. beautiful scenery C. valuable minerals D. art festivals

165. Why is the southern area of the Northern Territory called the Red Center of Australia?

A. Because Uluru is located there.

B. Because it is extremely hot and dry

C. Because is consists of miles and miles of red-sand desert and mountain ranges

D. Because it lies in the tropics

166. Canberra,the capital of Australia,got its name from the word “Canberry”,which is anAboriginal word meaning__________

167. In New Zealand,the two large islands(North Island and South Island)are separated by the fairly narrow________.

A. Bering Strait B. the Strait of Dover C.Cook Strait D. South Strait

168. New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because________.

A. it is just east of the International Date Line

B. it is just west of the Internatiohal Date Line

C. it is located halfway between the equator and the South Pole

D. it is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean

169. A fault line runs the length of New Zealand, which means that______.

A. if often has earthquakes B. if often has volcanoes

C. if often has earthquakes D. if often has droughts

170. The longest river in New Zealand is_______.

A. the Clutha River B. the Wanganui C. the Rangitata D. the Waikato

171. The most serious potential natural disasters in New Zealand are_______.

A. storms and earthquakes B. volcanoes and floods

C. earthquakes and volcanoes D. floods and storms

172. _______is the flightless bird which has become a symbol of New Zealand.

A. Emu B. Kiwi C. Weka D. Pukeko

173. Modern New Zealand was founded on the basis of_______signed between the Maoris and British settlers in 1840.

A. Maoritanga B. Aotearoa C. the Treaty of Waitangi D. the Treaty of ANZUS

174. ______is the Maori name for New Zealand,meaning “land of long,white cloud”。

A. Waitangi B. Kiwi C. Aotearoa D. Maoritanga

175. According to Maori oral history, New Zealand was discovered by_______.

A. Abel Tasman B. James Cook C. Kupe D. Maui

176. In 1893 New Zealand became the first country in the world_______.

A. to recognize Maori rights of self-determination

B. to give women the vote

C. to introduce procedures for handling industrial disputes

D. to adopt the 40-hour working week

177. Which of the following is not true about the Maori protest movement?

A. It is popular with younger urban Maoris.

B. It aims to gain recognition for their language,value,and culture in national life.

C. It demands compensation for land seized illegally by European settlers.

D. The New Zealand government for land seized illegally by European settlers.

178.______is the best-known reptile in New Zealand. It is believed to be a pres-historical survival and described as a “living fossil”。

A. Lizard B. Tuatara C. Kangaroo D. Emu

179. The first European to visit New Zealand in 1642 was_______.

A. James Cook B. Abel Tasman C. Arthur Phillip D. John Cabot

180. In Maori,New Zealand is Aotearoa and European settlers are______,a term often used by white New Zealanders when contrasting themselves with the Maori.

A. Aotearo B. Pakeha C. Maoritanga D. Canberry



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