  查字典自考网 >> 公共课 >> 2004年1月浙江省高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题


发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网


Part OneⅠ。用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸上的相应位置(本大题共20小题,每小题1.5 分,共30分)

1.To answer correctly is more important than()。

A. answered quickly B. a quick answer C. quickly answered D. to answer quickly

2.It() until dark that he realized that it was too late to return home.

A. is B. wasn‘t C. weren’t D. were

3.Do you remember () Tom about this before?

A. to telling B. telling C. to have told D. tell


A. there he goes B. there goes he C. he goes there D. he there goes

5.It seems difficult ()。

A. to stop the child to crying B. to stop the child of crying

C. stopping the child cry D. to stop the child from crying

6.I have never drunk () beer in my life. A. the better one B. more best C. more better D. better

7.() we have done what you want , there is no reason for you to complain any more.

A. Now that B. Because C. In case D.For fear that

8.Only then did he() the situation he and his fellow soldiers were in. A.aware B. aware of C. become aware D. become aware of

9.The man in charge of the newspaper files saw an excited boy() into the room.

A. rushed B. rushes C. rush D. had rushing

10.Jane has a very good collection of books ,() are written in foreign languages.

A. many of those B. those C. many of which D. many in which

11.Many new opportunities will be opened up in the course of time for those ()。

A. with an university education. B. with a university education C. have a higher

education D. have had a higher education

12.Fifty people were invited to the party, but only forty()。

A. turned around B. turned up C. turn to D. turned in 13.When she is nervous,

she does nothing()。

A. but eating B. but eat C. to eat D. eat 14.They argued back and forth for

a long time about () next. A. what should they do B. what they should do C. what do they

do D. what they are doing 15.() to hear that I had withdrawn from the competition. A.

They all very surprised B. Surprised C. Surprisingly D. They were all very surprised

16.It‘s () possible () necessary. A. not only ……but also B. either ……but C. not

…… and D. whether …… or 17.When the old man (), he found himself lying in hospital.

A. come up to B. come to C. came to D. came up 18.He () when he recognized the

voice at the other end of the phone. A. hung up B. hang up C. hanging D. hung in

19. () lose all our money , but we almost lost our lives. A. Not only we B. Not only

did we C. Not did we only D. Only we did not 20.He who makes no mistakes () nothing.

A. make B. making C. makes D. madeⅡ。短文阅读理解。该短文后设有五个多项选择题,


小题,每小题2 分,共10分)

Ten thousand years ago, when people learned to grow plants and raise animals for

food, the population of the earth was very small. There were only about five million people

who had to be fed , and each family was able to provide its own food. Later, people began

to exchange food for services. Now the world‘s population is close to four billion. There

is not enough land for each family to have its own farm. Supplying food to consumers had become

what might be the largest industry in the world. Farming which was a family job in the past,

has now become big business. Huge areas of land are used to raise one kind of crop-fruits

or vegetables or grains. Scientists are always trying to develop methods to make the soil

produce better crops and to develop crops that contain more life-giving nutrients. Other kinds

of scientists search for ways to attack insects that eat or destroy our food crops. After

the crops have been harvested , workers are needed to prepare them for use. Some fruits and

vegetables are sold fresh , some are frozen, some are preserved in cans and jars. Some grains

must be ground to make flour; others are cut up to be used for animal food. Cows , sheep,

goats , pigs , chickens , turkeys, and other animals are raised to provide meat for the

world‘s daily diet. These animals must be fed healthful food. Then they must be killed and

their meat must be prepared. Good butchers are important, because meat must be correctly

cut. Fish are caught in oceans, rivers , and lakes by people who work on large fishing boats.

After the fish have been bought to the shore, some of them might be cleaned and sent to stores

and markets in refrigerator trucks. Others are sent to places where they are preserved by

drying, smoking, salting, or freezing. Some fish are put into cans. Fast transportation

methods are important in supplying food to consumers. Most of our food is sent first to large

central areas , and then to supermarkets , stores , schools, hotels , hospitals, restaurants,

and other places where food is sold or served. 21.When people learned to grow plants and raise

animals for food(), there were only about()。

A. 1,000 years ago , 50 ,000 ,000 people 5,000 years ago , 10 ,000 ,000

people C. 10,000 years ago , 5,000 ,000 people 15 ,000 years ago , 500,000 people

22.Farming has now become big business. Huge areas of land are used to raise()。

A. several kinds of crops B. two kinds of crops C. many kinds of crops D.

one kind of crop 23.Which of the following is NOT suggested in the text ?

A. producing better crops B. improving the transportation of crops C. attacking insects

that destroy food crops D. developing crops with life-giving nutrients 24.After the fish have

been caught , some of them might be cleaned and sent to stores in refrigerator ()。

A. boats B. trains C. buses D. trucks 25.Good butchers are important because

meat must be properly ()。

A. washed B. weighed C. cut D. wrapped

Part TwoⅢ。用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母和字母组合的读音。将答案写在答题纸上

(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分) . 26. movie 27. fool 28. instrument 29. judge 30. knee

31. legal 32. means 33. moan 34. murderer 35. thoughⅣ。完型填空,将答案写在答题纸上(本大

题共20小题,每小题0.5 分,共10分)


trouble decided in notice seemed struggle sounded turn realized easily imagine touching

One summer evening I was sitting by the open window , reading a good science fiction story.

I was so interested in the story I was reading that I did not ___36___ that it was getting

dark. When I __37___ it was too dark to read __38___, I put the book down and got up to ___39___

on the light. Just then I heard someone crying, “Help! Help !” It ___40___ to come from

the trees at the other end of the yard. I looked out but it was now too dark to see anything

clearly. Almost immediately I heard the cry again. It ___41___ like a child , but I could

not __42___ what anybody would be doing in our backyard. I ___43____ that I ought to go out

and have a look in the yard , just ___44___ case someone was in ___45___. B. 根据课文的内


In Copenhagen , Hans Christian lived in an attic in an old house , where he had

a good ___46___ of the city. But there was a big ___47____ that he could not see right under

___48____ own nose. The plays and poetry that he ___49____ were not very good. Hans Christian

made ___50____ with a few kind people.___51____ them was Jonas Collin of the Royal Theater.

This kind man ___52____ funds from friends to send the young writer to school. Hans felt most

P> at ease with ___53____.He ate his dinner in turn at the ___54____ of six friends. In each

home the children begged him for ___55____. Ⅴ。根据所学课文内容完成下列句子(本大题共5 小

题,每小题4 分,共20分) . 56.The author in the story “The Day I was Fat” said that the day

the teenage boy called her fat was one of the best days in her life because ______. 57.The

writer in the story “The Outside Chance” often argued with his dad about ______. 58.When Tracy

in the story “Remembering Tracy Bill” died accidentally , his parents decided to donate Tracy‘s

organ to someone who needed it badly. The one who received the organ was called ______. 59.The

writer of “Small Things Are Big” did not help a lady with three small children at New York

subway station because he was afraid ______. 60.The man in “The Love of Life” was very weak

in the empty land , but he killed a sick wolf with his teeth and drank its blood. The man

did so because ______.Ⅵ。将下列句子译成英语,(本大题共5 小题,每小题4 分,共20分) . 61.


62. 他们差不多用了一年的时间才熟悉了大城市的生活。

63. 一些人在浪费食物,而另一些人却食不果腹。

64. 流过村子的那条河受到了严重的污染。

65. 亨利首先是个玩笑大王



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