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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

19.He came down with a forcible bump on what appeared to be some fresh-turned earth. 猛地撞了一下,他落到好像是刚刚翻过的土地上。

what appeared to be 看起来好像是 …… 的地方 The airplane crashed and fell down on what appeared to be a desolate village .

飞机坠毁了,落到一个看来很荒凉的小村庄里。 She told her story to what appeared to be a social worker.


20.A flying cow hit the ground and smashed like an egg.


break, smash, crush

break: 普通词,多指把一个坚硬的东西弄成碎片。

She broke the vase when she fell down on the ground.


smash: 指物体由于沉重响亮的一击而完全变形,把脆的东西抛出去而被击碎。

He smashed the window with a stone.


crush: 指外部的强大压力把某物压得走形。

The growing grass was crushed down by hailstone.


21.There was a crash that made all the most violent crashes of his past life seem like the sound of falling dust. 那头牛坠地时发出了震耳欲聋的巨响,与之相比,他以往生活中所听到 的 最剧烈的轰响只不过是灰尘落地。 Compared with sound of crash when the cow hit the ground, all the most violent crashes he had heard in his past life seemed like the sound of falling dust.

make sth seem/look like sth. else : to make sth appear to be a particular thing or have a particular quality ,是一种比喻的方式

The surrounding skyscrapers make our 5-storey house look like a dwarf among giants.


His tall and heavy body made me look lik e a 5-year old boy.

他的又高又壮使我看上去像个 5 岁的孩子。

22. A vast wind roared throughout earth and heaven, so that he could scarcely lift his head to look. 一股飓风呼啸 于 天地之间,使他根本无法抬头环顾四周。

so that… 在这儿是表示结果的状语。

lift one's head/voice/ arm… 抬起头 / 提高嗓门 / 举起胳膊

23.Mr. Fotheringay struggled to get to his feet in vain and remained on all fours , holding on . 佛泽林盖先生使出全身的劲也没法能站起来,Mr. Fotheringay tried, made great effort to stand on his feet, but failed, and had to stay on the ground on his hands and knees.

struggle to do sth: to try very hard to do sth. that is difficult 费劲地做 ……

get to one's feet: / rise to one’s feet 站起来

The wounded soldier struggled to get to his feet , but failed.


He found it difficult to get to his feel on the slippery surface.


in vain : without success 徒然地,徒劳无益地

I tried in vain to open the locked door. 我试图把锁的门打开,但没成功。

All our efforts to persuade the old man to leave the dangerous house were in vain.


on all fours : on hands and knees 四肢伏地 / 跪在地上; 爬着

Bill's father got down on all fours and gave the baby a ride. 比尔的父亲趴在地上,让孩子骑着玩。

The traitor was on all fours , begging for mercy. 那叛徒跪在地上乞求宽恕。

hold on 抓牢,坚持,忍受住

The climber held on till the rescuers reached him.


Our soldiers held on in that isolated position for more than 3 hours.

我们的战士在那个孤立无援的阵地坚持了 3 个小时。

24.Far and wide nothing was visible through the dust that flew in the wind except masses of earth and heaps of ruins. 在风沙中,周围除了一片片的土地和成堆的瓦砾之外,什么也看不见。Through the dust that was flying in the air, one could see nothing except heaps of dust and ruins over a vast area

far and wide/near : over a large area 到处,四面八方

People came far and wide to watch the parade. 人们从四面八方赶来观看游行 .

My old classmates are now scattered far and wide across the country.


masses: a large number or amount 一大片,许多,大量

25.…only a wildness of disorder and a rising storm… 他能看到的只是一片乱糟糟的景象和越刮越猛的狂风。

a wildness of …… : 一片杂乱

There was a wildness of disorder there after the collapse of the building. 房屋倒塌后那儿是一片杂乱

26.When Mr. Fotheringay stopped the rotation of the solid globe, he said nothing about the movables upon its surface. 当佛泽林盖先生停止了坚固地球的转动时,地面上的那些能动的东西是否也要停止运动,他只字未提。All the movables on its surface did not stop rotating, and they continued to move at a great speed, causing great damage.

27.…much more violently than if they had been fired out of a cannon……… 即便它们是从大炮里发射出来也没有这么大的力量。… everything had been thrown off the ground and pushed forward much more forcibly than if they had been launched from a big gun.

28.These things Mr. Fotheringay did not fully appreciate . 这些情况佛泽林盖先生并不完全理解。

Mr. Fotheringay could not fully understand these things.

29.But he perceived that his miracles had miscarried, and with that a great disgust of miracles came upon him. 但是他发觉自己的奇迹出轨了,随之,对奇迹深恶痛绝的心情涌上心头。 But he realized that his miraculous powers had been used wrongly and had brought about results he did not expect, so he began to hate miracles.


perceive: 表示“察觉出外在的事物” I didn't perceive him go out of the room.


conceive : 表示“在心中构想出一种新的想法 ”

Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s.

科学家在 20 世纪 30 年代首先有了原子弹的构想。

come upon/on/over ******************. : seize or have an effect on ******************. (情绪、感情等)袭击、影响 ……。

When I heard how the man treated his old mother, a disgust of him came upon me .

当我听到他如何对待他的老母亲 时 ,一种对他的厌恶感涌上心头。

A great longing of seeing her came upon him when he learnt that she had returned home from the United States. They had not seen each other for 20 years.

当他得知她从美国回来了,他突然感到很想见到她。他们已经 20年没见面了。

30.He remained on all fours leaning against the wind, intent to have everything right . 他还是四肢伏地,后背顶着狂风,决心要让一切恢复正常。

He was intent on getting to the office in time. 他一心一意要按时赶到办公室。

He is intent on improving his manner. 他决意要改进自己的举止。

To have/put/set sth right: to correct sth./******************.; to fix sth. 纠正,使正常

The tap is leaking. Could you get someone to put it right? 水龙头漏水了。你能否找个人来修一修?

Whenever we find anything wrong, we do our best to put it right.


31.He lifted his voice against the whirlwind, shouting louder and louder in a vain desire to hear himself speak. 他顶着旋风提高了嗓门叫起来,为了能听到自己说话,他的叫声越来越大,但依然什么也听不见。He shouted louder and louder, trying to hear his own voice in the whirlwind. No matter how he raised his voice, he couldn't hear himself speak.

in a vain desire to do sth: 徒劳地想做 ……

The poor hu******************and begged in a vain desire to let him in, but the angry wife refused to open the door.

那可怜的丈夫徒劳地想求他老婆让他进去,但他的那位生气的老婆就是不给开门 .

32.…In the first place , when all I've got to say is done, let me lose my miraculous power; let all these dangerous miracles be stopped. 第一,我要给的那些指令实现了以后,让我失去我的神奇的能力,让所有的危险的奇迹都停止下来。 …first, take away my miraculous power and put right all the dangerous things brought about by my miracles.

in the first place 首先

In the first place, you should set your goal; second you should make a plan.


33.He had a vague sense of some great thing forgotten, which passed immediately. 他模模糊糊地感到忘记了某些大事,不过这种感觉立即消逝了。

have a vague sense of 有一种模模糊糊的感觉

I only had a vague sense of seeing her once some time last year.


34. Except for the loss of his miraculous powers, everything was back as it had been. And among other things, of course, he did not believe in miracles. 除了失去他那不可思议的能力之外,一切都回到了以往的状况,其中当然也包括他不相信有奇迹这一情况。

except: 后面的成分和主语或宾语的成分属于同一种类。

To point out his mistakes directly will have no effect except to make him angry.


Everyone except Mr. Li is here. 除了李先生其他人都在这儿。

except for: 后面的成分跟主语或宾语的成分不属同类。

The room is bare except for a few chairs. 房里除了几把椅子别的什么也没有。

Your picture is good except for some of the colour. 你的画除了有些色彩不太好,别的都很好。



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