  查字典自考网 >> 公共课 >> 自考“综合英语(二)”下册详解(6)


发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

11.He went home red-faced and hot. 他面红耳赤地回到家里,心情烦躁。

He went home,feeling puzzled,confused and troubled.


a white-haired lady/ a long-legged girl/ a grim-faced man…白发老妇/长腿姑娘 /脸色铁青的男人

12.it accurred to him that at the precise moment he said the commanding words he had willed the thing he said 他猛然意识到在他说出那句命令的话的一瞬间,他已经凭意志力实现了他所说的事情。

Suddenly he realized the moment he gave the command,he made the thing he said happened with his mental power.


The police asked her to give an accurate account of the traffic accident.警察让她正确无误地讲述那次车祸。


All the parts of the watch must be assembled precisely. 表的每一个零件必须精确地装配。

will sth. 用意念、意志做………try to make sth happen by using one‘s mental powers.

The magician showed the audience how he willed the things they asked for.那魔术师给观众表演他如何用意念变出他们所要求的东西。

13. …without being clear how this was done不明白他怎么能使那盏灯保持那种状态。

…though he did not know what he should do to keep the lamp in the air.

without being clear: not understanding 不明白,不懂

We are not clear how SARS infects people.我们不明白SARS如何传染人的。

He was perfectly clear what he should do under such a circumstance. 他很清楚在那种情况下他该做什么。

14.He decided on another experiment. 他决定再试验一次。

decide on :就……做出决定,决定要………choose from two or more possibilities

It is a difficult situation;I have to decided on every step.这是一个困难的处境,我必须对每一步行动做出决定。

Has the list of the delegates for the NPC decided upon?有否对人大代表的名单作出决定?

15. He pointed to his candle and collected his mind . 他指着蜡烛,集中了意念。

He pointed to his candle and concentrated his mind.

collect one's mind/ one' will 集中意念。

16. He signed heavily,and began feeling in his pocket for a match.他沉重地叹了口气,并开始在口袋中摸火柴。

…searching his pocket with his fingers to find a match.

feel……… for sth 摸……找……

I felt in my pocket for small coins.我摸我的口袋找硬币。

17.…then it dawned upon him that miracles were possible even with matches.然后他豁然明白了,可以用创造奇迹的办法弄些火柴。

……then he realized that he could get himself matches by using his will power.

dawn on/upon *****.: become clear to ………(事物)变得(令人)明白

The truth began to dawn upon him.他开始明白事实的真相了。

It never dawned on her that the story might be a fabrication……她从来就没明白这个故事是编出来的。

18.“Let there be a match in that hand,” he said. “那只手里来根火柴。”他说。

let there be 是以let开始的祈使句的一种形式

Let there be light.让世上有光明!

19.…and then it occurred to him that he might have willed it to be lit. 忽然他意识到可以凭意志力把蜡烛点燃。

occur to ******************:come into one's mind 突然想到(主意等)

It occurred to him that he could try another method. 他突然想到他可以用另一个办法。

It never occurred to her that her marriage would end in devoice.她从未想到她的婚姻会以离婚而告终。

20.He caught it up hastily, and it went out. 他急忙把蜡烛拿起来,可是蜡烛却灭了。

go out :(火,灯等)灭了

The light suddenly went out. 灯突然灭了。



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