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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

21.A cross response signals that the parents are in inner conflict.——When parents reject an unreasonable request angrily,it shows that deep down they are not really sure whether or not they should do so

signal:to make sth.clear使清楚,表明

22.They only begin arguing and pestering when they detect uncertainty or guilt,and sense that their parents can be pushed to give them what they want,if they just keep at it.

push sb.to do /into doing sth.催促,鼓励或逼迫某人做

eg:The boy is a diligent student.His parents never have to push him to do his homework.


23.But the truth is that a child really wants parents to be in control and to act with conviction in a kind and loving fashion.

conviction:very firm opinion and belief深信,确信

He was a man of strong conviction.他是一个信仰坚定的人。

24.In fact,I'll make a rash statement that I believe is true,by and large Children will abide by what their parents sincerely believe is right.

by and large:大体上,基本上,总的说来

eg:By and large,he has been doing well. 总体上看,他还算是表现很好

abide by遵守(法律,决定),信守(诺言)

eg:The spokesman of the Tax Bureau impressed upon all businessmen and businesswomen that they must abide by the new tax regulation.税务局的发言人让所有的商人明白他们必须遵守新的税务规定。

25.But the truth is that a child really wants parents to be in control ……

be in control of: to direct,manage or rule负责,指挥

eg:Who is in control of the project? 谁负责这项工程?

26.……a kind and loving fashion.

fashion:a way of doing things方法,方式

eg: Don't speak to me in that fashion. 不要用那种方式同我讲话。

27.practice responding to your children's requests in a prompt,definite

prompt,without delay 即刻的,马上的,不拖延


30.Once you turn over a new leaf you can't expect to change completely right away

turn over a new leaf: become a better person.改过自新

22.You are bound to vacillate at times.——You are sure to hesitate sometimes between saying yes or no to your children's unreasonable demands.

Be bound to do:be certain to do肯定eg:The weather is bound to improve in a day or two…… 会一两天后天气肯定会好转。

23.The key is to be satisfied with gradual improvement,expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change.

be satisfied with 满意

eg:Children are not easily satisfied nowadays.The more you give them,the more they want.


occasional slips:偶尔偏离你的正确做法

31.For a while they'll keep on applying the old pressures

Keep on doing:不停地做,反复做

eg:His children kept on pestering him with homework questions while he was working on a book.




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