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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

L6 Culture Shock

1.Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad.Like most diseases,it has its own symptoms

culture shock:文化震荡

eg:John found life in China a bit of a culture shock at first.


eg:It was too late,he had to stay overnight at the station.

2.In recovery,you learn the systems,procedures,language,or nonverbal behaviors of the new environment so that you can cope with it

cope with:deal with处理

3.Those signs or cues include the thousand and one ways with which we are familiar in the situation of daily life:

the/a thousand and one许许多多

eg:Please don't interrupt.I have got a thousand and one things to do this morning.


4.All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues,often without our conscious awareness

depend on sb./sth.(for sth.):依靠,依赖……而获得

eg:The country depends on its oil-rich neighbours for its oil supply.


eg:The man cannot read and write,and he depends on TV and radio for news.


5.No matter how broad-minded a series of props have been knocked from under you,followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.

No matter how broad-minded:No matter how不管怎样,broad-minded开通的6.People react to too many privileges——for example,when parents send a child to an expensive summer camp that parents can't really affo

react (to)起反应

eg:The eye reacts to strong light.眼睛对强光有反应。

eg:The teacher's encouragement reacted on him.老师的鼓励对他起了作用

7 First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort.

reject:to refuse to accept拒绝

eg:She refused to come with us. 她拒绝同我们一起来。

8.When foreigners in a strange land get together to grumble about the host country and its people,you can be sure they are suffering from culture shock.

grumble (to sb.) about/at/over sb./sth.:complain (to sb.) about sb./sth.in a bad-tempered way 发牢骚,抱怨

eg:A lot of students grumble about heavy reading assignments. 许多学生发牢骚说阅读量太大。

eg:The people in that country are always grumbling about the dry weather.那个国家的人们一直干旱的天气。9.Another symptom of culture shock is regression their children's unreasonable demands


eg:At first she seemed to have given up smoking,but when she heard that her husband had lost all the money they had in gambling,she regressed.


10.Such parents vacillate between saying no and giving in——but neither response seems satisfactory to them

vacillate between:(正式)犹疑

eg:She vacillated between her two admirers.




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