  查字典自考网 >> 文学 >> 2003年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试《英语2》试题


发布时间: 2016-06-29 来源:查字典自考网




I. Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)


1. It took a long time for her to____________ the fact that her husband was dismissed.

[A]come up against [B]come up to

[C]come up with [D]come to terms with

2. Was it in that school______he developed his interest in physics?

[A]which [B]from which [C]where [D]that

3.______for your help,I would not have overcome the psychological pressures and


[A]Not been [B] Without being [C] Had it not been [D]Not having been

4.______nothing to say, the boy shied away from the crowd.

[A]Have [B]Having [C]Had [D]Having being

5.As activity carried______as one thinks fit in one‘s spare time,leisure has several


[A]On [B]out [C]off [D]over

6.Why do you blame him for his poor judgment on the matter______he really

needs is encouragement?

[A]when that [B]since that [C]when what [D]now that

7.The other timing system belongs in our internal clocks,which,left______,would

tie the body to a 25-hour rhythm.

[A]behind [B]alone [C].out [D]aside

8.It has been years __________ I returned home.

[A]after [B]that [C]since [D]when

9.We‘ll keep you ______ any news.

[A]up to date with [B]in step with

[C]in line with [D]in terms of

10.I‘d like to go to the cinema, but I’m ______ to .

[A]enable [B]disable [C]unable [D]able

Ⅱ。Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)



Japan is a small country with few natural resources. ( 11 ) this,Japanese

productivity,the rate at which goods are produced,( 12 ) more

than eleven times in the past thirty years.Many people in the West

wonder how the Japanese do it.The key ( 13 ) Japan‘s success

can be discovered by looking at some basic differences between

Japanese and Western attitudes towards work.

People in the West generally view work ( 14 ) a necessary

evil-one must give up part of one‘s freedom to earn the money

needed to live. To the Japanese, however, work is the central

interest of one‘s life;it’s ( 15 ) that a Japanese established his identity.

A Japanese business firm is like a family.When an employee joins a

company,he expects to work for that company for the rest of his

working life;( 16 ) is anyone dismissed.Promotion is based on

the seniority system,the length of employment ( 17 ) one‘s rank in the company.

Those at the bottom do not ( 18 ) Chances for promotion because those at the top retire

at a certain age ( 19 ) others may have their turn.In addition,the difference between

the lowest and the highest salaries is much 1ess than ( 20 ) in the West.

11.[A]Because of [B]As for [C]Although [D]Despite

12.[A]have increased [B]has increased

[C]are increasing [D]is increasing

13.[A]to [B]of [C]for [D]in

14.[A]like [B]for [C]about [D]as

15.[A]this [B]that [C]here [D]where

16.[A]barely [B]rarely [C]occasionally [D]frequently

17.[A]determines [B]has determined [C]determining [D]to determine

18.[A]care about [B]care for [C]worry about [D]concern with

19.[A]in that [B]such that [C]for that [D]so that

20.[A]that [B]those [C]one [D]ones

III.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each item)


Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

Who talks more,women or men? The seemingly conflicting evidence is

resolved by the difference between what I call public and private speaking.More men feel

comfortable doing “public speaking,” while more women feel comfortable doing “private” speaking.

Another way of capturing these differences is by using the terms report-talk and rapport-talk.

For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of

establishing connections and negotiating relationships. Emphasis is placed on displaying

similarities and matching experiences. From childhood, girls criticize their friends who

try to stand out or appear better than others. People feel their closest connections at home,

or in places where they feel at

home - with one or a few people they feel close to and comfortable with - in other words,

during private speaking. But even the most public situations can be approached like private


For most women,talk is primarily a means to preserve independence and negotiate and maintain

status in a hierarchical(等级制度的) social order.This is done by exhibiting knowledge and

skill,and by ho1ding center stage through verbal performance such as torytelling,joking,

or conveying information.From childhood,men learn to use talking as a way to get and keep

attention.Therefore,they are more comfortable speaking in 1arger groups made up of people

they know 1ess well,in the broadest sense,“public speaking”。 But even the most private

situations can be approached like public speaking,

more like giving a report than establishing rapport.

21.A similar term for “private talking” is ___________.



[C]persuasive talk

[D]women‘s talk

22.When women talk,they tend to________.

[A]admire their friends who stand out

[B]make others feel at home

[C]approach public situations like private talking

[D]seek close relationship with other speakers

23. Men talk in order to________.

[A]make new friends

[B]share experience

[C]argue with others

[D]attract attention

24. The purpose of this passage is to _______.

[A]contrast the male and female talking styles

[B]prove that men talk more effectively than women

[C]analyze why men and women are different

[D]draw people‘s attention to the difference between men and women

25. Which of the following is true?

[A]Men talk more than women.

[B]Men feel more comfortable making a public speech than women.

[C]Men are more knowledgeable than women.

[D]Men are more independent than women.

Passage Two

Questions 26 t0 30 are based on the following passage.

The best example of how associations influence eating is that we often eat not because

we‘re hungry but because it’s “lunchtime,” because foods smell good, or because our

friends are eating.

More evidence that associations influence eating comes from

marketing and advertising pressures to sell foods by offering huge

servings. For example, movie theatres offer an extra large box of

popcorn(爆玉米花),which, at almost 900 calories, is equivalent to a

major meal. Health professionals warn that as children, adolescents(青少年),and

adults learn to prefer large portions and tasty foods high in fat,sugar,and calories,

there has been a corresponding increase in rates of being overweight(from 25% in 1988

to 34% in 1998)。Researchers are especially concerned about the continued rates of overweight

and obesity(肥胖) in children since childhood obesity is very difficult to treat and an obese

child has a high probability of becoming an obese adult with the associated health risks we

discussed earlier.

Health professionals suggest that to avoid future increases in rates of overweight and

obesity, we need to try hard to forget many of our food associations, which primarily

involves decreasing size of food portions, increasing levels of activity to burn off

excess calories.

26.The influence of food association can be seen clearly from the example that we often eat NOT


[A]it‘s time for lunch

[B]we‘re hungry

[C]foods smell delicious

[D]our friends are eating

27.From the passage we can infer that the “serving” in the second paragraph most

probably means________.

[A]an amount of food

[B]a special service

[C]a meal

[D]some calories

28.According to the author, because of an unhealthy food preference, the increase in rates of being

overweight was almost _____________ during the ten years from 198 to 1998.

[A]10 per cent [B]20 per cent

[C]30 per cent [D]40 per cent

29.According to the passage, an obese child is _____________.

[A]less at risk of heart diseases

[B]healthily fat

[C]very hard to get along with

[D]more likely to become an obese adult

30.In order to avoid future increases in rates of overweight and obesity, we need to do

a11 the following EXCEPT _____________.

[A1make an effort to forget our food association

[B]eat less high-fat food

[C]do more exercise to consume excess calories

[D]eat less food

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Labor force is denned as being the total number of people who are available to work and earn

income.This definition includes everyone who is employed or seeking paid employment,so it

includes employers and the self—employed. Labor is one of the country‘s resources

which can be combined with other resources to

produce the goods and services wanted by the community.

Although the size of the workforce depends a great deal on the size of the total population,

there are several other influences which a1so affect it.The age distribution of the total

population has a very marked effect on the available workforce.if the population has a high

proportion of very young people or of those too o1d to work,then the available workforce

would be lower than if there were an evenly spread age distribution. If the population

naturally grows rapidly,i.e. the number of births greatly exceeds the number of deaths,

then as a total population increases the proportion in the workforce declines.

Sometimes a population is described as aging,which means that the birth rate is either

falling or growing very slowly, and as people retire from the workforce there are insufficient

numbers of young people entering it to replace those who are leaving it.The population is

top-heavy(头重脚轻) with older people.So the percentage of the population in the workforce

declines when there is either a rapid increase in births or a falling birth rate.

The age distribution of the population has several important effects on the economy.If

the population is aging and there is an increase in the number of people retiring without

a corresponding increase in the number entering the workforce,this raises the problem of

the ability of the economy to provide a reasonable 1evel of social services to the retired

group.If the aged are to be cared for in special homes,finance must be avai1able for that

purpose. If the size of the workforce is small relative to the total population, then the

government tax revenue is relatively low and either the government has less money available

to it or the workforce members have to be taxed more heavily.

31.Labor force is referred to as _________________

[A]people who are available to work and earn income

[B]self-employed people only

[C]only those who are looking for an employment

[D]only the employers

32.According to the passage, which of the following factors is NOT mentioned as an influence on

the size of the workforce?

[A]The size of the population.

[B]The age distribution of the population.

[C]The national economy.

[D]The number of births and deaths.

33.The conclusion which can be drawn safely from the second paragraph is that ________.

[A]a population growth from natural increase leads to a greater proportion of the workforce

[B]a large population does not necessarily mean a higher proportion of workforce

[C]the larger the number of the aged in a population, the higher the proportion of the workforce

[D]if the population has an evenly spread age distribution, the workforce will be lower

34.When a population is said to aging,________________.

[A]there are more people retiring than those entering the workforce.

[B]the birth rate must be growing

[C]there should be an oversupply of workforce

[D]young people outnumber old people

35.The population which is top-heavy with older people exerts pressure on _____________.

[A]the employers

[B]the self-employed

[C]the young people

[D]the economy of the country


IV. Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two items)


36.专门小组 n. p____________________

37.象征的 a. s____________________

38.促进;发扬 v. p____________________

39.给人印象深刻的 a. i____________________

40.交换;交流 v. e____________________

41.协调;和谐n. h____________________

42.引入歧途的 a. m____________________

43.完全,总共 ad. a____________________

44.下来,下降 v. d____________________

45.天文台;了望台 n. o____________________

46.财政的,金融的 a. f____________________

47.闪闪发光,闪烁 v. g____________________

48.生物学 n. b____________________

49.推迟,延期 v. p____________________

50.加强,巩固 v. s____________________

51.相应地 ad. a____________________

52.志愿者,志愿兵 n. v____________________

53.暂时的,临时的 a. t____________________

54.维持;维修 n. m____________________

55.积累,积聚 v. a____________________

V. Word Forms(10 points,1 point for each item)


56.It‘s time something _________(do) about the traffic problem downtown.

57.For managers, every decision has constraints _________(base) on policies, procedures and laws.

58.Many a writer of newspaper articles _____________(turn) to writing novels during the past decade.

59.There ___________ (estimate) to be more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain in 1995.

60.As I‘ll be away for a year, I’d appreciate ______________(hear) from you now and then.

61.The effect of rapid travel on the body is actually far _______(disturb) than we realize.

62.What developed was a music readily ___________(take) on various

forms and capable of an almost limitless range of expression.

63.Many other new techniques are available that enable more research __________(do) in the test tube.

64.__________(not, get)enough hands she had great difficulty in accomplishing the task.

65.A Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after _____________(convict) of murder.

VI. Translation from Chinese into English (15 points,3 points for each item)将下列各句译成英语并







VII. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)


In addition to the need for food, man also has need for some kind of protection from heat and cold,

and from wind and rain. The first homes of man were very simple. The size and kind of buildings which

he built were limited by his technical knowledge and also by the kind of buildings materials(which were)

available to him. Climate also had an important influence. In some places, man‘s home would be nothing

more than a cave in the side of a hill, with a fire at the entrance to give light and warmth and to

keep dangerous wild animals away. In warmer areas primitive man could use branches to make a framework

which he then covered with leaves.



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