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发布时间: 2016-06-29 来源:查字典自考网

UNIT 4 Family Enviroment


Look into 调查,研究

Look after 照顾

Take after 长的象某人

Used to do 过去常常做…事 to do 是动词不定式

Be used to doing sth. 习惯做…事 to 是介词,所以do+ing

Get accustomed to doing sth. 习惯做…事 to 是介词,所以do+ing

Be used to do 用来作…

Get cross = get angry 生气

Cross the road 过马路 jaywalk 乱穿马路

Crossing guard 协管员

Treat sb. Like royalty / dirt 对待…人礼貌/不好,不礼貌

Draw / get / catch / attract sb.‘s ~ 吸引…人的注意

The center of attention 成为…的焦点

Pay attention 关注,注意

Give sb. one‘s full / undivided attention 全神贯注,不分散注意力

Turn one‘s attention to… 把注意力转向…

Belong to + doing to 介词 所以do +ing

Be under a lot of pressure 压力很大

Strictly speaking 严格来说

Generally speaking 一般来说

Politically speaking 政治上来说

Perform well / poorly / badly 表现好/不好…

Succeed in doing…

Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧

Practice doing 练习做…事

Take advantage of sth. / sb. 利用……

Be polite / impolite / rude to sb. 有礼貌 / 没礼貌 / 粗鲁的

Barber 理发师 (专指给给男人理发的人)

hairdress 专用于给女人理发

the attempted murder / robbery 谋杀/抢劫未遂

give sb. some comfort 给…人一些安慰 comfort v. &. n.

lift = escalator = elevator

升降 = 自动扶梯(斜的手扶式的)= 电梯(公寓里的上下升降电梯)

It turns out to be 结果是…

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 从心底里感激。

Borrow sth. From sb. 借近

Lend sth to sb. 借出

Remind sb. To do …提醒…人做…事

Die of shame 羞死了 / 羞愧死了

Put sb. To shame = shame sb. 使…人感到羞愧

Shame on you for sth.你应该为…事感到惭愧

Wedding party 婚宴

Wedding ring 结婚戒指

Engagement ring 订婚戒指

Beef n…… 牛肉 beefy adj. 强壮的

Delay doing 耽搁了

Arrange v. arrangement n. 安排

Control sb.‘s temper 脾气暴躁

Have a short/ hot /sweet temper 脾气不好/火暴/ 好的

Bring / get sth. Under control 把…控制住了

Safe adj. safety n. safety/seat belt 安全地带/汽车等座椅安全带

Safe n. 保险箱

At sb.‘s request 在… 人的要求下

Liberate sb. = set sb. Free 解放…

Prove sb. Wrong / right/ guilty/ innocent

证明……人错的 / 对的 / 有罪的 /清白的

Proof = evidence 证据

Fierce competition 激烈竞争

Between A and B

Be off to school 离开去学校 off 离开

Be off to bed 下线离开睡觉去(网上下线前和朋友大招呼可以用这句)

I wasn‘t born yesterday. 我又不是3岁小孩(意思是我又不蠢)

Put on 穿上,带上, (表示动作) put on watch / belt 手表/皮带

Wear 穿上 (表示状态)

Take off 脱掉/起飞(飞机)

Touch down 飞机(着陆)

Most of my age 和同龄的人

He‘s about my age 大概和…差不多

Act your age 做你符合你年纪的事

Too much + 不可数名词 too much love

Too many + 可数名词 too many apples

Every +that 定语从句 (后面不能跟which ,只能that )

Fee like doing …想要干…

Spoiled 宠坏的

A lot from you 期望高的 a lot awful from you 期望很高的。

Act up v. 调皮

Play hooky 逃学

Be pissed off 气死了,很气的 I was pissed off. 气死我了。

Hair loss 掉头发的

Selfish 自私的

Compare sth. And /with sth. 比较…

Cities are famous for their crowds. 城市以它的人多而著称。

Famous = well known

Infamous 臭名昭著

Densely 形容人口多的, thinly 人口少的 densely/ thinly populity

Be likely to do

Clap sb on the shoulder (只能用定冠词the ,不能用my 等等。) 轻拍…的肩膀

Hit me in the face 同上

Make an attempt to do 尝试做…

To my surprise / joy / disappointment/ astonishment (n.) 惊讶 /高兴 /失望 /很惊讶

Let sb. Off放过某人

Answer the door 开门


As adj /adv. / aj+n. as possible 尽可能…的

As soon as possible 尽快

As much time as possible 尽可能多的时间…

All day 正天 all night 整夜

Be equal to sb. 和…人一样平等。

Undergo greater change 经历了更大的变化

Double Income No Kid 丁克家庭 没有小孩的家庭 =DINK



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