  查字典自考网 >> 文学 >> 07年4月自考“英语国家概况”串讲(1)


发布时间: 2016-06-29 来源:查字典自考网

1.Choose the best answer for each of the question below.

1.The Commonwealth Wealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries and other political units_____.

A.that have lived under British law and government

B.that have a large number of British immigrants

C.that have close felations with Britain

D.that have fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars

2.The Celts'religion was_____________.

A.Buddhism B.Islam C.Druidism D.Christianity

3.The Danelaw refers to the________of England.

A.south and west B.south and east C.north and east D.north and west

4.Christianity was brought to Britain__________.

A.directly by the Roman priests

B.directly by traders and soldiers

C.directly by the Pope

D.indirectly by trader and soldiers

5.__________became the overlord of all the English.

A.Offa B.Edgbert C.Vortigen D.Hengist

6.__________became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.

A.Columba B.Egbert C.St.Augustine D.Offa

7.Most of the lana belonging to the Saxons was confiscated by William and given to________

A.the Danes B.the Irish C.the Scots D.the Norman Barons

8.The Norwegian Vikings and the Danes captured York,an important center of Christianity in______

A.835 B.867 D.876 D.878

9.Magna Cater was proposed by the barons led by___________against King John in 1215.

A.Simon de Montfort B.Langton C.Wat Tyler D.Jack Straw

10.The first Prince of Wales was__________,who was bestowed the title in 1300.

A.Edward I B.Charles I C.Edward II D.James II

11.___________and his followers translated the entire Bible into English.

A.Martin Luther B.John Calvin C.John Ball D.john Wycliffe

12.The Doomsday Book was completed in__________.

A.1083 B.1084 C.1085 D.1086

13._________the first king of the Plantagenet Dynasty and ruled English for 35 years.

A.Henru I B.King Stephen C.Henry II D.Count of Anjou

14._________established the King as the most important leader of the Church of England and thusdisplaced the sovereign of the Pope.

A.The Provisions of oxford

B.The Act of succession

C.The Act of Supremacy

D.The Act of Supremacy

15.The English Renaissance was usually thought of as beginning with thC accession of______to the throne

A.The House of Lancaster

B.The House of Plantagenet

C.ThE Housr of Tudor

D.The House of Stuart

16.King John was forced to put his seal to Magna Carter__________.

A.on July 9,1215

B.June 19.1215

C.June 14,1381

D.July 15,1318

17.The spirit of Magna Carter was__________.

A.A limitation of the powers of the king

B.the foundation of English liberties

C.a limitation of the powers of the barons

D.an expansion of the powers of tie king

18.Kiny Henry III was defeated by the barons led by Simon de Montfort at the battle of Lewes in



C.June 1265


19.___________declsred a war on France that was to last a hundred years.

A.Henry III B.Edward III C.Henry D.Henry VII

20.The name Wars of the Roses was,in fact coined by the great 19th century novelist

A.Sir Walter Raleigh B.Jakob Burckhardt C.Sir Walter Scott D.Guy Fawks



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