  查字典自考网 >> 文学 >> 07年4月自考“英语国家概况”串讲(8)


发布时间: 2016-06-29 来源:查字典自考网

181. Why was the British government interested in New Zealand?

A.Trade with New Zealand was economically important

B.There were no laws to protect Maori rights in dealings with white settlers

C.The French government was also taking an interest in New Zealand.

D.All of the above.

182.Nearly three-quarters of the population (including more 95% of the Maori)live in

A.South Island B.North Island C.Steward Island D.the Chatham Island

183.The following are the reasons for the uneven distribution of the population of New Zealand except_______.

A.the concentration of mineral resources in the north

B.the milder climate in the north

C.the expansion of North Island industries

D.the availability of land suitable for specialized farming

184.The term“Maori”means_______.

A.special B.unusual C.normal D.distinguished

185.New Zealand's national day is on_________.

A.Jan 26 B.Feb.6 C.July 4 D.June 9

186.The New Zealand government agreed to pay compensation to the______tribe in 1994,and to the Tainui tribal federation in 1995.

A.Clutha B.Waikato C.Torres Islander D.Ngai Tahu tyibe

186.In 1996 large tracts of land of South Island were granted to______in 1996.

A.Clutha B.Waikato C.Torres Islander D.Ngai Tahu tribe

187.The official language(s)in New Zealand include(s)。

A.English B.Maori C.Neither A nor B D.Both A and C

188.The New Zealand Christmas tree is________.

A.cabbage tree B.the yellow kowhai C.the red Pohutukawa D.kauri

189._______is described as a“living fossile”。

A.Kiwi B.tuatara C.weka D.pukeko

190.The first British setters came in 1840 through the New Zealand Company, established by and others.

A.William Sibbon Johnson

B.Edward Sibbon Wakefield

C.William Dampier

D.John Cabot

191.A social security system was set up in New Zealand in 1935 by the__________.

A.the Labor government

B the Liberal government

C.the progressive government

D.the Conservative government

192._______was a notable New Zealander who split the atom.

A.Sir David Low B.Lord Rutherford

C.Sir William Liley D.Sir Edmund Hillary

193.The basic food plant for the Maori population before 1849 was_______,meaning“sweet potato“。

A.pas B.kumara C.maui D.marae

194.In 1769________made his first visit to New Zealand,as a result of which he produced the first complete map of New Zealand.

A.Abel Tasman B.James Cook C.William Dampier D.William Johnson

195.Since the European settlers were greedy,and took away,their lands.the Maori were driven into rebellion.

A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times

196.The New Zealand climate is generally_________and seasonal differences are not great.

A.hot B.mild C.dry D.heavy rainfall

197.The Maori,a branch of the eastern Polynesian race,migrated to New Zealand from the central Pacific in the early________century.

A.7th B.8th C.9th D.10th

198.In Maori society, the_______was the basis for agricultural production,and also for ritual events.

A.family B.tribe C.society D.community

199.There are three active_________in North Island.

A.esrthquakes B.volcanoes C.fault lines D.rivers

200.The Southern Alps extends almost the whole length of_________Island.

A.East B.West C.North D.South



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