2003年4月甘肃省高等教育自学考试综合英语(二) 试题_公共课-查字典自考网
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2003年4月甘肃省高等教育自学考试综合英语(二) 试题

发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网



I. Complete the sentences with the best choice. write the letter code of your choice after the corresponding number on the Answer Sheet. (20 points. 1 point for each)

1. The young worker still denies ____ the fire behind the store.

A. to start B. to starting

C. having started D. having been started

2. ___ it is you‘ve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.

A. That B. Because C. Whatever D. However

3. To know what is good and _____ are two different things.

A. doing what is right B. does what is right

C. to do what is right D. did what was right

4. If you _______ a few years earlier, you would be like me, working on a farm in the Northeast instead of studying at a university in Beijing.

A. was born B. were born

C. would be born D. had been born

5.Now I can manage to make myself ____ sufficiently in your language.

A. being understood B. understood

C. to understand D. to be understood.

6. In the countryside people have less _____ to the best available medical

treatment since the medical apparatus and instruments are pretty poor.

A. method B. measure C. access D. way

7. Bob was _______ he lay down for an hour before dinner.

A. so tired as B. so tired that C. too tired that D. too tired so

8. ________ these books to the library, as they will soon be overdue.

A. Fetch B. Bring C. Leave D. Take

9. Too many people are ______ to other people‘s troubles.

A. careless B. indifferent C. different D. carefree

10. He is _____ both as a teacher and as an artist.

A. emigrant B. dominant C. immoral D. eminent

No.221 第1页(共10页)

11. I congratulate myself ______ finding a good wife.

A. of B. on C. to D. by

12. ________ in the United States was set up to train people in physics.

A. Many school B. Many schools

C. Many a school D. A many school

13. Parents, almost ______ exception, hope that their children will grow _____ to make something _____ themselves.

A. with…up…of B. without…up…out

C. without…up…from D. without…up…of

14. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ___ healthy.

A. preserve B. stay C. maintain D. reserve

15. They attempted _______ to cross the river with a small boat.

A. in case B. in full C. in order D. in vain

16. It is very ______ you to save a piece of cake for me.

A. suspicious of B. considerate of

C. conscious of D. possible for

17. The existence of the notion “transportation car” is _______ the symbol process.

A. type of B. typing C. typical of D. typical

18. The English evening ________ till Friday.

A. has put B. has put off

C. has been put off D. has been put

19. I must _____ to you for not answering promptly.

A. forgive B. sorry C. apologize D. excuse

20. Have you a permit _______ in this lake?

A. fish B. to fish C. to fishing D. fishing

Ⅱ。 Complete each of the following sentences with a proper form of the

word in the brackets. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (10

points, 1 point for each)

1. The exquisite harmony between Nature and Man explains in part the ______ older Britain, in which the whole towns fitted Snugly in to the landscape… (enchant)

2. Certain _____ were found in the report, making it to seem that someone had taken money for himself. (regular)

3. The Age of Romanticism of American Literature starts from the time when America won its _____ and ends before the American Civil War. (depend)


4. It is rather the most disturbing element in civilization, the most _____ revolutionary thing which has ever been let loose in the world. (profound)

5. Thus Edison became the supreme propagandist of science and his name the great symbol of an almost blind faith in its _______. (possible)

6. Back at the house that evening, she _______ reported me for wasting a nickel. Instead of a scolding, I was rewarded with a pat on the back for having the good sense to buy fruit instead of candy. (duty)

7. With the arrival of television, the faces of the stars became as familiar as those we saw across the breakfast table. We came to know more about the lives of the ________ than we did about most of the people we know personally. (celebrate)

8. you needn‘t worry about his age. If he can do the job well, his age is ________. (relevant)

9. There are real differences among these relations for Americans—a friendship may be superficial, causal, situational or deep and _______. (endure)

10. But an inner ___________ seemed to call out: No, you may not fall. (stubborn)

III. Choose the best word (ONE word only) in the brackets for each blank.

Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (20 points. 1 point for each)


With the (1) ______ ( development, introduction, invention, usage) of the radio, newspaper publishers (2) ______ (doubted, guessed, thought, wondered) how broadcasting would (3) ________ (affect, change, turn, make) them. Many feared that the radio as a quick an easy means of keeping people (4) ______ (heard, informed, know, told) would displace the newspaper industry altogether.

Others hoped that the (5) _____ (brief, limited, short, small) newscast heard on the air would stimulate listeners‘ interest in the story so they’d buy the paper to get more information. This second idea turned (6) _________ (against, into, to, out) to be closer to the truth. Radio and print were not substitutes for each other but (7)?________ (actually, contrarily, hardly, really) supported each other. You see the relationship between different media is not always one of displacement but can be one of reinforcement. However this is not always

No. 221 第3页(共10页)

the (8) _____ (case, fact, situation, truth)。 Take television and motion pictures (9) ______( as, for, like, to) example. With the (10) _________ (fame, reputation, popularity, replacement) of TV, the motion picture suffered greatly.


My wife and I share most of the housework fairly equally. There are only a few jobs that only one of us does, and the rest are thought of as (1) ______ (average, couple, common, double) duty. This situation (2) ______ (arrived, developed, grew, rose) naturally rather than being the result of some (3) ______( awake, aware, conscious, sensible) design. It is the result of our both having careers and (4) _________ (contributing, donating, giving, saving) to the income of the household. If (5) _________ (all, both, either, neither) of us, for some reason, stopped working outside the home, the (6) _______ (division, form, organization, patter) of responsibility would certainly change.

Since I began doing housework on an equal (7) _________ (place, founding, ground, share), what has (8) _______ (changed, hit, struck, taught) me is how easy it is. I do not mean that all of the housework itself is easy; I mean that to take over tasks (9) _________ (conventionally, historically, frequently, wrongly) regarded as “women‘s work” was not as difficult a personal experience as I had expected. I thought, then, that I would not only (10) ________ (attract, meet, have, hold) curious attention from other people, but that I would have difficulty personally adjusting to doing housework in a home in which my father never did any, and where I had never been obliged to do any either

Ⅳ。 Paraphrase each of the following sentences: Write your answer on the

Answer Sheet. (5 points. 1 point for each)

1. But in the way they all glared I could see how they‘d come to hate my guts.

2. You no longer need to make mental conversations of the country‘s


3. Even when you have doubts about some people, act as if they are worthy

of your best manners.

4. What man on earth could deny a child the chance to live?

5. …“industry is caught in a web of bribery” and that everyone is“ on the



Ⅴ。 Reading comprehension

Decide which of the suggested answers A, B, C and D best completes the

statement according to the information in the passages. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet (20 points, 2 points for each)

Passage One

A newly arrived Scot was asked what had been the most difficult thing for him on his first day in the United States. Without a moment‘s hesitation, he answered; “Finding a Men’s Room.”

Some countries have public conveniences plainly visible on the street or small buildings that are clearly marked. The United States does not. Americans find their way to facilities in such public places as gasoline stations, which are usually clean. There is no charge though one may have to ask the attendant for a key because they are kept locked. Also try restaurants, libraries, museums, department stores, airports. Bus terminal or railroad station toilets are apt to be unpleasant, but can be found. Never use the rest rooms in subways.

You can always go into a hotel and use the facilities whether or not you are registered there as a guest; you will usually find them somewhere off the main lobby.

Don‘t be confused by the name on the door. Sometimes it is marked “Men” or “Women” or “Ladies” or “Dames”。 Often the term is “Rest Rooms”。 Especially in restaurants, there may be no word used at all but a picture of an old fashioned girl or a rooster or some other clue may be painted on the door. Women’s rooms are often delicately called “Powder Rooms”。 The European terms “Comfort Station” or “W. C.” are rarely used but generally understood.

If you are in need, just ask for the “Men‘s Room” or “Ladies Room”。

In a large hotel or restaurant, leave a tip in the small saucer if there is an attendant —25 cents is common. One does not tip in clubs, but a smile and a friendly word are appreciated.

1. In the United States you can use facilities in many places except in ______.

A. railroad stations B. clubs C. subways D. libraries

2. When you are in need you can use the toilet in hotel, __________.

A. if you are living in that hotel B. if it is off the main lobby

C. if you are received as a guest D. although you are not the guest

No.221 第5页(共10页)

3. Which of the following words in the passage does not mean “public conveniences”?

A. Men‘s Rooms B. facilities

C. gasoline stations D. Powder Rooms

4. The door of a women‘s toilet in the United States is sometimes marked with ______.

A. some old-fashioned clue B. “Comfort Station”

C. “Dames” D. “Men” or “Women”

5. After using the rest room in a club, one _______.

A. should leave a tip B. should appreciate a friendly word

C. does not need twenty-five dollars D. does not have to pay for it

Passage Two

The term “virus” is derived from the Latin word for poison, or slime. It was originally applied to the noxious stench emanating from swamps that was thought to cause a variety of diseases in the centuries before microbes were discovered and specifically linked to illness. But it was not until almost the end of the nineteenth century that a true virus was proven to be the cause of a disease.

The nature of viruses made them impossible to detect for many years, even after bacteria had been discovered and studies. Not only are viruses too small to be seen with a light microscope, they also cannot be detected through their biological activity, except as it occurs in conjunction with other organisms. In fact, viruses show no traces of biological activity by themselves. Unlike bacteria, they are not living agents in the strictest sense. Viruses are very simple pieces of organic material composed only of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, enclosed in a coat of protein made up of simple structural units. (Some viruses also contain carbohydrates and liquids.) They are parasites, requiring human, animal, or plant cells to live. The virus replicates by attaching to a cell and injecting its nudeus acid; once inside the cell, the DNA or RNA that contains the virus‘s genetic information takes over the cell’s biological machinery, and the cell begins to manufacture viral proteins rather than its own.


1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. New Development in Viral Research.

B. Exploring the Causes of Disease

C. DNA; Nature‘s Building Block

D. Understanding Viruses

2. Before microbes were discovered it was believed that some diseases were caused by _________.

A. germ-carrying insects

B. certain strains of bacteria

C. foul odors released from swamps

D. slimy creatures living near swamps

3. The word “nature” in Paragraph Two is closest in meaning to which of the following?

A. self-sufficiency B. shapes

C. characteristics D. speed

4. The author implied that bacteria were investigated earlier than viruses because ______.

A. bacteria are easier to detect

B. bacteria are harder to eradicate

C. viruses are extremely poisonous

D. viruses are found only in hot climates

5. All of the following may be components of a virus except _______.

A. RNA B. plants cells

C. carbohydrates D. a coat of protein

Ⅵ。 Translate the following sentences into English. Write your answer on the

Answer Sheet (10 points, 2 point for each)







No.221 第7页(共10页)

Ⅶ。 Writing (15 points)

Directions: Read the following text, then on the Answer Sheet write a

paragraph of about 130 words on the topic: Laura Had a Memorable

Christmas. You can use this outline:

1) Where she spent that particular Christmas?

2) What gifts she got and what she did with those people?

3) In what way this Christmas was memorable?

No family had ever had a nicer Christmas, Emily Wade thought happily as she drove the children to school for the first time after the holidays, and, of course, it had been largely Laura‘s doing. She glanced at Laura, a slim, dark-haired girl of fourteen, sitting beside her, and felt warm with that most comfortable of parental emotions, gratitude to one’s own child. The air was soft with the vapors of melting snow, and almost fragrant, as if some delicate flowers were blooming near at hand. “It‘s like spring, isn’t it?” she said to Laura. “And tomorrow we‘ll probably have a raging sleet storm.”

“King Claudius weather,” said Laura, looking prettily shy as she made the literary allusion. “It can smile and smile and still be a villain.”

“Exactly,” Emily agreed. She wasn‘t sure for a moment who King Claudius was, and then she saw a copy of “Hamlet” among Laura’s books. She thought her heart would burst with pride (imagine a child saying that!), and thought how wise she and Henry had been when they‘d decided to make every possible sacrifice for the sake of Laura’s education.

Laura, who was in first-year high, had gone to the same public school that her brothers now attended, but this year she was a pupil at Green Valley Academy, a small country day school on the outskirts of the city. It was a very good school and a very expensive one, and most of the Wades‘ friends thought they were being rather fancy in sending Laura there. They knew Laura was smart, of course, but some of the other Baltimore private schools for girls were excellent and had lower tuition, and even the public high schools were all right. Lots of nice kids, whose fathers had twice as big an income as Henry Wade, went to them. Besides, you weren’t doing a girl a favor when you encouraged her to develop tastes she couldn‘t afford to gratify. You either spoiled her or made her bitter. These arguments were cogent, Emily Wade admitted, but they simply didn’t apply in Laura‘s case. Nothing was too good for that child. Moreover, it was Emily’s theory that children learned love as well as discipline by family example; if you did all you could for them, keeping their best interests in mind, they wouldn‘t let you down in a crisis. And events had certainly proved her theory.


How true that had been, thought Emily, driving slowly because she had a quarter hour to spare and she might as well give Laura time to study. Her mind went back to that black moment, a month before, when she‘d met Henry for lunch in a restaurant and he’d told her that he was out of a job. The branch sales office he‘d been managing had been absorbed by a larger firm, and its whole staff was out in the cold without so much as a month’s salary to tide them over. He was pretty sure he could get another and a better position; there was a firm that had been making overtures to him, and only a sense of loyalty to his old firm had made him ignore them up to this point. But the man he‘d have to see was out of town and wouldn’t be back until the first of the year. Then, too, he‘d just had a letter from his brother in Ohio; it seemed that the whole family out there was shot to hell. His brother, who was a schoolteacher, was broke, his stomach ulcers were troubling him, one of his children had to have a serious operation, and his wife was about to have twins. He needed five hundred dollars.

“I should think he would!” Emily had said. “We‘ll have to send it to him.”

“I guess if we let him have it, we can still eat,” Henry had said, brooding gloomily. “But it knocks Christmas into a cocked hat. I hate to borrow on my insurance.”

“Oh, no!” Emily had exclaimed. “We‘ll manage. We can cut our list to the bone and concentrate on the kids. You know how they are— all they want is the illusion of abundance and cheerful confusion.”

“That goes for the young ones,” Henry had said, “but what does Laura want?”

“The only thing she‘s mentioned is a ballerina dress. It’s priced at $125. She‘s been invited to some parties by her friends at school.”

“Well… Couldn‘t you charge that?” Henry had asked.

“No,” she‘d said. “I’m charged to the hilt already, and I don‘t want to risk being refused. As a matter of fact, I’d planned to pay my bill today.” She had sat silent for a moment, looking at Henry‘s discouraged face. “The only thing to do, dear,” she’d said at last, “is to return to first principles.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Christmas has been commercialized out of its real meaning. The gifts people give have become a sort of advertising display. What we ought to do is give to people we love— give memorable things according to our ability. If you could give your child a horse, say, that would be fine. But if you can‘t, give her a little locket or a book of verse.”

Henry had looked hopeful but skeptical.

“I‘ll tell you what we’ll do,” she had continued. “We‘ll go to the farm for the holidays. We’ll have a good time there. We won‘t have to do any

No.221 第9页(共10页)

entertaining— the liquor bills alone are always staggering at Christmas. We‘ll have our turkey and our tree and take long walks and sing carols and forget the world.“

“Did you ever have a Christmas like that?” Henry had asked.

“Lord, no!” she‘d answered.

“Well, you‘re the captain. But try to break it gently to Laura.”

“Laura‘ll be all right,” Emily had said with a smile.

“Poor Daddy!” the girl had cried when Emily explained the situation to her. And then, being reassured as to his future prospects, she had clasped her hands. “But how marvelous to go to the farm, Mother! It‘ll be just like a picture on a Christmas card. I adore it there, and I don’t care a thing about presents or parties!” She had raised herself on the tips of her toes, as if she were about to dance.

Several days before Christmas, they‘d gone down to their little farm. It was just a half-dozen acres that Henry had bought and had hung on to. It made him feel good to own a piece of land. They’d all had a wonderful time, really. They had cut a tree in their own woods. They had eaten and slept, and read by the light of oil lamps. The children had been more than satisfied with their presents; there had been balls, erector sets, a number of story books, and a lot of junk from the five-and-ten for the boys, and for Laura, a picture Emily had found cheap in a second-hand art shop and a small brooch that had belonged to Henry‘s mother. It was Laura’s obvious pleasure that had brightened everything. Whether she was chopping wood, or romping with her brothers, or basting the turkey, or talking politics very sensibly with her father, she‘d seemed to radiate happiness. On New Year’s Eve, they had given her a weak highball, the first she‘d ever had, and she had gone to sleep sitting on the floor with her rosy cheek against Henry’s knee. “By God, I believe she‘s the best girl in the world,” he had said softly.

“She probably is,” Emily had said.

“If I don‘t hand her the earth some day, on a silver platter,” Henry had declared, “may I be damned from here to eternity!”

Emily slowed the car to a full stop near the gates of the Academy. “Here we are,” she said. “I‘m going to miss you today.”

“I‘ll miss you, too,” she said. “It’s been a beautiful holiday. I love the picture and the pin!”

“Of course you do, Laura,” said Emily. “Now run!”

She watched Laura hurry up the path. She drove about aimlessly for a while. Then she went to a market and bought some groceries and a big bunch of flowers. The cool blossoms perfumed the car all the way home. They made her think of the ballerina dress, and of all the pure, proud, filmy beauty of the world that belonged, by right, to Laura.



综合英语(二) 答题纸


得 分 评卷人

I. Complete the sentences with the best choice. (20

points, 1 point for each)

1.________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. ________ 5.________

6.________ 7. _________ 8. _________ 9. ________ 10._______

11._______ 12. _________ 13. _________ 14. _______?15.________

16._______ 17. _________ 18. _________ 19._______?20.________

得 分 评卷人

Ⅱ。 Complete the sentences with proper form of the

word in the brackets. (10 points, 1 point for each)

1.________________ 2._________________

3.________________ 4._________________

5.________________ 6._________________

7. _______________ 8. ________________

9. _______________ 10. _______________

得 分 评卷人

III. Choose the best word(ONE word only) in the

brackets for each blank (20 points, 1 point for each)

Passage One

1.__________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.__________

5.__________?6.___________ 7. ___________8. _________


No.221 第1页(共3页)

Passage Two

1.__________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.__________

5.__________?6.___________ 7. ___________8. _________


得 分 评卷人

IV. Paraphrase each of the sentences. (5 points, 1 point?

for each)

1. _________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________


4. _________________________________________________________


5. _________________________________________________________


得 分 评卷人

V. Reading comprehension (20 points, 2 points for each)

Passage One

1.________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. ________ 5.________

Passage Two

1.________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. ________ 5.________


得 分 评卷人

VI. Translate the sentence into English (10 points,

2 points for each)

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

得 分 评卷人

Ⅶ。 Writing (about 130 words) (15 points)

Topic: Laura Had a Memorable Christmas















No. 221 第3页(共3页)



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