  查字典自考网 >> 公共课 >> 2003年4月全国高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题


发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网



1. My sister spends ____ studying so that she might later get a better job.

[A]most of her times [B]her most times

[C]her most time [D]most of her time

2. We got down to business as soon as we ____ each other.

[A]had introduced to [B]had been introduced to

[C]had introduced by [D]had been introduced by

3.The scientist suddenly saw the answer to the problem that ____ his mind for the last two months.

[A]is occupied [B]has been occupied

[C]had occupied [D]had been occupied

4.If had realized that you were really serious in what you said, I____ more carefully.

[A]thought it over [B]had thought over it

[C]would have thought over it [D]should have thought it over

5.You are so busy recently. I do wish you ____ with me for a while.

[A]could stay [B]stay

[C]will stay [D]will be staying

6.The platform ____ with people ____ goodbye to friends and relatives.

[A]was crowded, have waved [B]crowded, waving

[C]was crowded, waving [D]crowded, have been waving

7.____Paris,Mr.Blake is making preparations for the trip.

[A]Having invited to visit [B]Having been invited to visit

[C]Having invited visiting [D]Having been invited visiting

8.Everything that can be done has been done,____

[A]can‘t it [B]can it [C]hasn’t it [D]has it

9.It‘s pity you weren’t at the meeting to hear ____ this problem.

[A]what do other people think about

[B]what other people thought about

[C]that other people thought about

[D]that did other people think about

10.Professor Smith always works hard in spite of ____ he is not is in good health.

[A]the fact that [B]the fact what

[C]that [D]what

11.My favorite talk show host,____ program is on every afternoon, just made a new movie.

[A]whose [B]who‘s [C]his [D]he’s

12.I haven‘t yet had time to think over the proposals ____ at the last meeting.

[A]which made [B]that were made them

[C]that were made [D]which made them

13.____ to sleep again than the telephone rang once more.

[A]Hardly when he went [B]Hardly he went

[C]No sooner he had gone [D]No sooner had he gone

14.____the prices are reasonable, the restaurant has very few customers.

[A]Even although [B]Even though

[C]As though [D]As if

15.One of the most rewarding aspects of teaching young children is seeing them ____ so quickly.

[A]developed [B]to develop

[C]develop [D]to be developed

16.It is sometimes difficult to strike a ____ between one‘s career and family.

[A]connection [B]balance [C]link [D]line

17.The Browns felt ____ about leaving their son alone at home without being attended to.

[A]keen [B]uneasy [C]dazed [D]miserable

18.____the freedom that young people have, dating has changed greatly in recent years.

[A]In case of [B]In spite of

[C]In addition to [D]As a result of

19.Much ____ the doctor‘s amazement, the patient survived.

[A]to [B]in [C]for [D]with

20.There were already four people sitting in the car, but we tried to ___ for her.

[A]make room [B]make a room

[C]find rooms [D]find a room

21.His father decided to ___ his son‘s allowance when he discovered that he was neglecting his studies in Paris.

[A]cut away [B]cut in [C]cut out [D]cut off

22.Her short stories are enjoyed by adults and children ____.

[A]like [B]together [C]alike [D]all

23.There are days when he doesn‘t want to pose for a picture with every fan he __.

[A]runs over [B]comes along

[C]runs into [D]comes up

24.John realized fully what he had dreamed about could not ____ have happened in real life.

[A]likely [B]certainly [C]probably [D]possibly

25.Now that I‘m only working part time, I have a hard time making ___ meet.

[A]hands [B]arms [C]days [D]ends

26.His conservative ideas may ___ him in the election campaign.

[A]fight against [B]object to

[C]set against [D]work against

27.In my country people never leave tips. So when I first went abroad, I kept forgetting to tip waiters. I felt really ____.

[A]depressed [B]embarrassed

[C]upset [D]helpless

28.Do you know the guys who moved in next door they had another party and the noise kept me ___ all night.

[A]woke [B]awake [C]awaken [D]awaked

29.Having good ideas isn‘t enough. You need to be able to ___ your ideas.

[A]communicate [B]discuss

[C]show [D]expose

30.Which department is supposed to ____ rules about retirement.

[A]lie down [B]lay down [C]lay on [D]lie on


Passage 1

Bill Trew worked on the night shift(夜班) in an old coal mine called Park Deep. Day and night 180 miners worked underground there, more than 6,00 feet down. They all took their share of night work, but Bill always worked at night. he said he preferred it.

One day he came home as usual at half past seven in the morning. He had his ‘Supper’, as he called it, and went to bed. An unusual dream troubled his sleep. Afterwards, the only thing he remembered about it was— a throbbing(跳动) blue light.

Bill got up in the afternoon as usual. It was a strange getting up—because he could still see the blue light in front of his eyes. As the evening grew darker, the light grew stronger. Bill got ready for the night shift. But by 8 o‘clock the blue light was so bright that he could hardly see anything else. He and his wife were very puzzled. Bill had never been sick before.

“Don‘t go to work,”Mrs. Trew said.“If it isn’t better by tomorrow, I‘ll have to send for the doctor.”

Bill didn‘t go to work. He sat in an armchair, awake but with closed eyes. Even then the blueness was like a living thing. It surrounded him, silent, throbbing. The family went to bed but Bill wasn’t tired: he stayed in his armchair.

At 11 o‘clock a long, loud explosion shook the ground. Bill opened his eyes and jumped to his feet. The blue light was gone! He rushed outside. Someone shouted,“Gas! gas in Park Deep! Oh pity the night shift!”

The gas explosion killed 179 men in Park Deep. The mine was destroyed forever. Thebodies remain to this day in their deep grave. And Bill Trew has never stopped wondering. The blue light: why did it make him the only man unfit for work that night

31.Which statement is FALSE according to Paragraph 1

[A]Park Deep was 6,000 feet down underground.

[B]180 people were in Park Deep every day and night.

[C]All miners had to work every night.

[D]Bill Trew preferred to work on night shift.

32.Which statement is TRUE about Bill Trew

[A]Bill had an unusual dream one night.

[B]Bill saw a throbbing blue light in his dream.

[C]Bill was sick and had to send for a doctor.

[D]Bill planned to go to work with closed eyes.

33.The blueness ____.

[A]was gone when he closed his eyes

[B]became alive at 11 o‘clock

[C]grew brighter as the day grew darker

[D]enabled Bill to see clearly in the evening

34.The purpose of the last paragraph is to stress ___.

[A]how the explosion killed 179 miners

[B]what happened in the deep grave

[C]why Bill didn‘t go to work that night

[D]how the strange blue light saved Bill‘s life

35.A good title for this passage would be ___.

[A]A Warning [B]Bill‘s Night Shift

[C]An Explosion [D]Park Deep

Passage 2

Generally speaking, the British Isles have a temperate(温和) climate, not an extreme one. The prevailing(盛行) winds over Britain are southwesterly ones. The weather from day to day is variable, because it is controlled by depressions(低气压)from the Atlantic Ocean which, moving in a northeasterly or easterly direction, pass over or near the British Isles. Occasionally during winter months, between early December and the middle of March, northern winds may sometimes prevail, bringing cold weather and snowfalls which may last for several days or even 2 or 3 weeks, but seldom more than that. The English spring is very changeable, with warm and cold days in between until June. After the first week of May, you can take off your overcoats once and for all until the middle of October. But you certainly have to keep your raincoats and umbrellas close at hand, in any case.

There is always plenty of rain in Britain the whole year round. As a rule, the month with the least rainfall is July. At best, out of the 31 days of July, you might get 21 days of dry weather and sunshine. In July of 1973, London did not se a single drop of rain, but that was a rare exception. At that time, foreign tourists kept on asking the British where they had “imported” their sunshine form. Throughout the British Isles there is an annual rainfall of about 110 centimeters. England alone gets 89 centimeters annually of that British total. One an average, May to July are the driest months in England, and November to early March the wettest .A period of as long as 3 weeks without rain is exceptional and normally confined to limited areas like the coasts of southwest England, Wales and the west coast of Scotland. June and July are the months of longest sunlight: from about 4:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

36.Which of the following is Not REUE of the climate in Britain

[A]Prevailing southwesterly winds.

[B]Variable weather from day to day.

[C]Snowfalls lasting for 2-3 weeks very winter.

[D]Warm and cold days in between in spring.

37.The depressions from the Atlantic Ocean moved ___.

[A]from the northeast to the west

[B]from the southwest to the east

[C]from the northwest to the southeast

[D]from the east to the southwest

38.The period that is both coldest and wettest in Britain is ____.

[A]between December and the middle of March

[B]between early November and April

[C]between November and early March

[D]between early December and early March

39.A person who hates both rain and hot weather should choose to visit Britain in ____.

[A]May [B]June [C]July [D]August

40.This passage is mainly about ____ in Britain.

[A]winds [B]climate [C]sunshine [D]rainfall


41.argument 42.gangster 43.collapse 44.major

45.fairly 46.feature 47.relieve 48.explosion

49.available 50.impressin 51.courteous 52.essential

53.heavy 54.enthusiasm 55.annoy 56.mechanic

57.awkward 58.contribute 59.thorough 60.bequeath



taking speak that before

enjoy out experience having

study first learn it

People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable without realizing it. Americans who have never been 61 of their country have very little 62 with people of other cultures. But they are usually open and friendly. They 63 meeting new people, having guests and bringing people together formally or informally. They use 64 names in most situations and 65 casually about themselves. So if your American host does something 66 makes you uncomfortable, let him know how you feel. Most people will appreciate your honest. And you‘ll 67 something about a new culture!

Americans may invite you to their homes 68 they really get to know you. Sometimes they are said to be superficially(表面的)friendly. Perhaps 69 seems so, but they are probably just 70 a good time. As elsewhere, it takes time to become good friends with people in the U.S.


I had planned to stay at this job for only two days. But now I‘m going to stay. The exercise is great. The lifting 71 easier with every load, even if my left shoulder stays sore. I become faster and neater 72 time goes by. I’m outdoors in clean air. And, contrary 73 what people think, I don‘t get dirty on the job.

I have made 74 my mind, too, to go on saying hello in the back yards. It doesn‘t do any harm, and it still feels right. Frankly, I’m proud. I‘m doing 75 essential task,“like a police officer or a fir fighter.”I left this country a little cleaner 76 I found it this morning. Not many people can say that tonight.

John Gardener has said that a society 77 praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is 78 for trouble.“Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold 79.” he warns. He might have gone a step further and called 80 respect for both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise they‘ll both leave trash behind.


81.What the Marine did for the dying old man shows that ______.

82.In “Love of Life”,Bill didn‘t stop when the other man called him because _____.

83.By playing a practical joke on his twelve best friends, Henry Ground wanted them to find that ________.

84.The Thinking Machine suspected Mr. Grayson‘s personal secretary because ____.

85.The Organ Bank arranged a meeting between Tracy‘s parents and David and his wife because the donor’s parents _______.

86.One of the most visible features of the fish that Professor Agassiz expected Scudder to see was ______.

87.Bob Sugg thought the man in police uniform was the criminal because _____.

88.Mr.Budd wasn‘t pleased when the newspaper printed the story of his “great idea”。 He was afraid that ______.

89.When the writer of “Emotional Bank Account”says that a family should be loyal to those members who are not present, he means that ____.

90.Although almost every doctor who saw and examined Christy Brown said that he was a hopeless case, his mother firmly believed that _____.














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