  查字典自考网 >> 公共课 >> 2004年1月浙江省高等教育自学考试综合英语(二)试题


发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

课程代码:00795 Ⅰ。Complete the sentences with the best choice. Write your right letter on the Answer Sheet :(10% )

1.The teacher demanded that each student() to class before seven o‘clock.

A. came B.come C. comes D. would come

2.Seldom() any mistakes during my past five years of service here. A. would I make B. I did make C. did I make D. I would make

3.I would ()alone to think about these problems. A. like to be left B. like to leave C. have liked to be

left D. have liked to leave

4.I thoroughly enjoyed the concert last night. It was() entertaining

than I had expected. A. far B. very much C. far more D. very more

5. () to the dinner party, he went to a movie to kill time.

A. Not to be invited B. Not having been invited C. Having not been invited D. Not having invited

6.But for the storm we () earlier.

A. arrived B. had arrived C. would have arrived D. should arrive

7.Tom,Jack and Fred ()reported having seen UFOs. A. each B. all of them C. either D. neither

8.Refrigerators have made () possible to store food for long periods.

A. that B. it C. which D. this

9.The result is that they talk around the point, putting all the pieces in place()

the crucial one. A. besides B. apart from C. except D. in addition to 10.The travellers

()their journey after a short break. A. recovered B. renewed C. resumed D. restored

Ⅱ。Complete the sentences with a word derived from the one in bracket. Write answers on the

Answer Sheet:(5%)

1.The book published in 1962 _____ into the public consciousness. (explosive )

2.Nearly every proposal for a new power plant , highway, or airport draws fierce


3.Even if you haven‘t uncovered the reason, you should begin to make firm _____.


4._____ clothes was not easy in those days. (washable)

5.She wrote about the sea in formal _____ reports.(academy )

Ⅲ。Choose the correct paraphrasing of the underlined part of the following sentences,

then write your right letter on the Answer Sheet:(10% )

1.Our home had little contact with Gentiles. A. Our family had nothing to do with

Gentiles. B. Our family had little in common with Gentiles. C. Our family were not in touch

with Gentiles. D. Our family got in touch with Gentiles. 2.Now,the question is : do you

pay up or stand by your principle ? A. pay the bribe or stick to your principle and don‘t

pay the money ?

B. spend money or refuse to pay the money ?

C. pay all the money most willingly or stay ready for your principle?

D. keep your promise to pay some money or break your promise not to pay any money ?

3.As a man, I didn‘t count any more. A.I no longer relied on anyone. B.I refused

to consider anything any more. C.I was no longer of any value. D.I never did accounts any

more. 4.Mr Fotheringag struggled to get to his feet in vain ……

A. did uselessly to put his feet into shoes B. tried every hard to stand up but failed

C. did his best to raise his feet but without success D. tried every possible means to stand

at ease 5.When the woman placed it on her shoulders , it covered her completely. A. put the

bag over her shoulders, it fully submerged her. B. laid the bag across her shoulders , it

hid her. C. carried the bag with her shoulders, it hurt her. D. loaded the bag on her shoulders,

it spread over her completely.Ⅳ。Put suitable prepositions or adverbs in the blanks on the

Answer Sheet:(10% )

1.The young man hated to be a burden on his parents ; he wanted to stand _____ his

own two feet. 2.He was leaning _____ the wall , turning the matter over in his mind. 3.The

man fell head _____ heels to the bottom of the staircase. 4.The thief quickly made _____ the

window when he heard someone approaching. 5.This is something we can only talk about _____

private.Our boss has been accused of taking bribes.

6.Colin cleared his throat and was going to read Henry‘s will. Everyone settled _____

and waited silently. 7.The investigation is getting _____ way and the public is anticipating

the result. 8.The lady tried on over a dozen dresses in the shop but left _____ buying any.

9.We should keep ourselves _____ to date with the latest developments in the information industry.

10.Don‘t forget to take the weather _____ account when you plan the outing. Ⅴ。Cloze :

(20% )

Complete the passage by putting in the blanks the corrtect choice. Write your right

letter on the Answer Sheet:With 400 pounds packed on her 5-foot-5 1,Mary Simms felt so fat

and 2 that she wanted to divorce the husband she loved. But he refused to leave. So Mary decided

3 herself into a woman he could be proud of. And today, after a 262-pound weight 4 ,she‘s

a different woman !

“I feel beautiful -my dream has come true at last!” Mary,41,told the ENQUIRER.

“My husband is so proud of me he can‘t wait 5 .” Mary , of St.Augustine, Fla. , said she

hated herself and her life when she was 6 .Many nights she was so miserable she cried until

dawn. and even ordinary events 7 into nightmares. “Once I was in a grocery store, 8 food.

I have seven children , so I had quite 9 in my shopping cart. Suddenly a woman in the check-out

10 behind me-a perfect stranger-tapped me 11 and said ‘You don’t need all that food. You‘re

12 .‘I wanted 13 into a hole and die.“ ”Once 14 the beach , someone pointed at me and said,

‘Kill the whale.’ You can‘t 15 how these cruel comments 16 me.“ 17 to lose weight , Mary

tried 18 over these years. She went on a near starvation diet and started losing weight. In

1984,she had a stomach stapling operation 19 the size the stomach was reduced. Said Mary

:“In the first month I lost almost 50 pounds. And today-two and a half years later-I‘m

a fit 138.My 20 is to reach 125 pounds.“ 1. A. shoulder B. figure C. feature D. frame

2. A. unattracting B. unattractive C. unaffected D. unaffecting 3. A. to remake B. reborn

C. recreate D. to reproduce 4. A. lose B. loose C. loss D. lost 5. A. to show

me off B. to show me out C. to show me around D. to show me in 6. A. fleshy B.

stout C. fat D. thin 7. A. went B. turned C. got D. fell 8. A. buying for B.

taking C. shopping D. shopping for 9. A. a burden B. a load C. a weight D. a grocery

10. A. line B. row C. column D. group 11. A. in the head B. in the face C. on

the shoulder D. in the arm 12. A. very fat B. fairly fat C. quite fat D. fat enough

13. A. to climb B. to fall C. to crawl D. to drop 14. A. in the trip to B. in the

trip of C. on a trip to D. on a trip of 15. A. fancy B. imagine C. think D. guess

16. A. injure B. harm C. damage D. hurt 17. A. Desperate B. Despair C. Hopeless D.

Discourage 18. A. a lot of food B. a lot of diets C. a lot of drugs D. a lot of

nutrition 19. A. on which B. for which C. in which D. with which 20. A. direction B.

goal C. target D. object Ⅵ。Read the following passages and complete the statements

or answer the questions with the correct choice. Write your right letter on the Answer Sheet

:(20% )

Passage 1 Time was-and not so many years ago, either-when the average citizen took

a pretty dim view of banks and banking. That this was so, it should be said, was to no small

extent the fault of banks and bankers themselves. Banks used to be-and a few still are-forbidding

structures. Behind the little barred windows were , more often than not, elderly gentlemen

whose expression of friendliness showed the size of the customer‘s account, and nothing less

than a few hundred thousand in the bank could have inspired the suggestion of a smile. And

yet the average bank for many years was , to the average citizen , a fearful, if necessary,

instrument for dealing business-usually big business. But somewhere in the past quarter century,

banks began to grow human , even pleasant, and started to attract the little man. It is

possible that this movement began in medium-sized towns , or in small towns where people

know each other by their first names, and spread to big towns, at any rate, the results

have been remarkable. The movement to “humanize” banks, of course, received a big push during

the war , when more and more women were hired to do work previously performed by men. Also

more and more “little” people found themselves in need of personal loans, as taxes became

heavier and as the practice of installment(分期付款) buying broke down the previously long-held

view that there was something almost morally wrong about being in debt. All sorts of people

began to discover that the wise use of credit (信用卡) could be extremely helpful. 1.The

author believes that the unfriendly atmosphere in banks many years ago was chiefly due to

_____. A. unfriendliness of customers toward banks B. the outer appearance of bank buildings

C. economic pressure of the time D. the attitude of bankers

2.The banks of many years ago showed interest only in _____. A. regular visitors B.

elderly gentlemen C. friendly businessmen D. rich customers 3.When did banks begin to

grow human?

A. During the war. B. A few years ago. C. Some time before the war. D. In the

last century. 4.What helped to push the “humanization” of banks ?

A. More and more “little” people became customers of banks. B. The elderly gentlemen

in banks were replaced by women. C. Most banks were set up in small and medium-sized towns.

D. The size of the customer‘s account was greatly increased. 5.Average people seldom borrowed

money from banks in the past because _____. A. the bank buildings looked forbidding B. they

were comparatively rich before the war C. they rarely spent more than they could earn D. they

thought it was not proper to be in debt Passage 2 The Gulf War changed the lives of ordinary

people, many of whom lived far from Kuwait or Iraq. In this eight-part series, correspondents

visit individuals and families who have had to alter completely their plans and life styles

as a result of the war. We hear , for example, from an Iraqi Kurdish family who escaped

across the snow-covered mountains to Turkey , losing everything they had accumulated over

more than 20 years. John Renner visits them in their small tent in the heat and dust of a

refugee camp where they are desperately hoping that some Western country will offer them shelter.

There is a Palestinian family which lived and worked in Kuwait and cannot return. They have

lost friends, family , their living and a way of life. And what about the US serviceman

and his family who had heard little about Kuwait before the invasion? Do they think it worthwhile

and how easy was it to fit back into their old routine(日常事务) after their experiences

of the war?

John Renner meets an Asian maid who worked in the Gulf and supported her family at

home with her salary. Is she thinking of going back , or has she been put off by the experience

of escaping and the horror stories of exploitation(剥削) in Kuwait?

These are just some of the people who are heard in the series which are produced by

Lindsey Hilsum. 6.Which is the best suggested title ?

A.A Just War B.A War , Worthless and Meaningless C.A War, Doubted but Rewarding D.

After the War Was Over 7.This is an introduction to _____. A. a film B. a TV program

C. a book D. a radio program 8.The program consists of _____ series and a number of

interviews with _____. A. eight , different individuals and families B. four , some individuals

who escaped from Kuwait C. eight, U.S.serviceman D. four , some Kurdish families 9.John

Renner is _____. A. a U.S. serviceman B. a correspondent C. a producer D. a Kuwait

worker 10.Which of the following implications is NOT true ?

A. People have to adjust themselves to suit the new routine of their life. B. People

who have experienced the War have difficulty in returning to their old style of life C. The

War has only had some physical effect on the people involved. D. The War has cast a big shadow

over people‘s hearts. Passage 3 Between 1977 and 1981 ,three groups of American women, numbering

27 in all ,between the ages of 35 and 65 ,were given month-long tests to determine how they

would respond to conditions resembling those aboard the space shuttle (航天飞机)。

Though carefully selected from among many applicants, the women were volunteers

(志愿者) and pay was barely above the minimum wage. They were not permitted to smoke or

drink alcohol during the tests, and they were expected to tolerate each other‘s company at

close quarters for the entire period. Among other things, they had to stand pressure three

times the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks while tired from hard

physical exercise. At the end of ten days , they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely

confined to bed , during which time they suffered backaches and other discomforts and when

they were finally allowed up, the more physically active women were especially subject to

pains due to a slight calcium (钙) loss. Results of the tests suggest that women will have

significant virtues over men in space. They need less food and less oxygen and they stand

up to radiation better. Men‘s virtues in terms of strength and vigor meanwhile, are virtually

wiped out by the zero-gravity condition in space. 11.Which of the following can be inferred

from the passage?

A. The women were tested once a year from 1977 to 1981. B. The women involved had

had previous physical fitnees training C. The tests were not carried out aboard the space

shuttle. D. The tests were carried out on women of all ages. 12.Which would be the most suitable

title for the passage ?

A. Older Women, too, Can Travel in Space B. Tests Show Women Suited for Space Travel

C. Poor Wages for Women Space-Test Volunteers D. Space Testing Causes Backaches in Women

13.What can be said about the women who applied ?

A. They chose to participate in the tests. B. There were anxious to give up either

smoking or drinking. C. They had previously earned the minimum wage. D. There were 27 in all.

14.According to the passage , physical and mental tasks were carried out by the women _____.

A. prior to strenuous exercise B. after they were subjected to unusual pressure C. before

they were subjected to unusual pressure D. following strenuous exercise 15.Which of the following

is suggested as being least useful in space ?

A. High resistance to radiation. B. Low food intake. C. Unusual strength. D. Low Oxygen

intake. Passage 4 George Washington Carver showed that plant life was more than just food

for animals and humans. Carver‘s first step was to study plant parts to find out what they

were made of. He then combined these simpler isolated substances with other substances to

create new products. The branch of chemistry that studies and finds ways to use raw materials

from farm products to make industrial products is called chemurgy. Carver was one of the first

and greatest chemurgists of all time. Today , the science of chemurgy is better known as

the science of synthetics (人造合成)。Each day people depend on and use synthetic materials

made from raw materials. All his life Carver battled against the disposal of waste materials,

and warned of the growing need to develop substitutes (替代品)for the natural substances

being used up by humans. Carver never cared about getting credit(荣誉) for the new products

he created. He never tried to patent(申请专利) his discoveries or get wealthy from them.

He turned down many offers to leave Tuskegee Institute to become a rich scientist in private

industry. Thomas Edison , inventor of the electric light , offered him a laboratory in Detroit

to carry out food research. When the United States government made him a collaborator (合

作者) in the Mycology and Plant Disease Survey of the Department of Agriculture, he accepted

the position with the understanding that he wouldn‘t have to leave Tuskegee. An authority

on plant diseases-especially of the fungus variety-Carver sent hundreds of specimens to the

United States Department of Agriculture. At the peak of his carreer , Carver‘s fame and influence

were known on every continent. 16.The passage is mainly concerned with _____. A. the use of

plants as a source of nutrition B. the research conducted at Tuskegee Institute C. the progress

of the science of synthetics D. the work and career of George Washington Carver 17.In Line

2 ,the word “step” could best be replaced by _____. A. footprint B. action C. scale D.

stair 18.According to the passage , chemurgy can be defined as the _____. A. development

of industrial products from farm products B. research on chemistry of the soil C. study of

the relationship between sunlight and energy D. combination of chemistry and metallurgy 19.The

author mentions Thomas Edison‘s offer to Carver in order to _____. A. contrast Edison’s contribution

with that of Carver B. portray the wealth of one of Carver‘s competitors C. illustrate one

of Carver‘s many opportunities D. describe Carver’s dependence on industrial support 20.Which

of the following is NOT discussed in the passage as work done by Carver ?

A. Research on electricity B. Analysis of plant parts C. Invention of new products D.

Research on plant diseasesⅦ。Translate the following into English with words or phrases given

in brackets , and then write your sentences on the Answer Sheet:(25% )

1.如果你不按照教授的指导去做,你的实验注定要失败。(be bound to )

2.我们极力劝说那位老人离开那栋危房,老人就是不肯。(in vain )


4.警察到处寻找前一天在动物园里走失的那个5 岁男孩。(search for)

5.年老体弱的人容易患流感。(subject to)



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