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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

11.There was a man with manners,and an innate sense of fair play.这真是一位有礼貌的人,一位天生有着公平意识的人。

What a courteous man!He had good manner and,by nature,he was a man with a sense of fair play.

There is a… 用来表示赞许

Take the pill,there is a good boy.乖孩子,把药吃了。

innate:(of a quality,feeling,etc.) in one's nature;possessed from birth 天生的

12 to see into the mind or heart of someone else,to understand the pain or unhappiness there to do something to minimize it 这一品质能使人深入他人的思想和内心世界,理解他们的感情深处的痛苦或不幸,并尽力使之减缓。

…to understand the innermost feeling of another person——what he is thinking or feeling deep down——in other words,the pain or unhappiness he keeps to himself and to help him the best way you can.

see into:understand or have knowledge of 理解,调查

A writer should be able to see into t he mind of ordinary people.作家应该理解普通老百姓的思想。

The manager promised to see into the matter himself.经理答应亲自调查此事。

mind:a person's thoughts 思想

heart:a person's emotions感情

此处 there 指 in the mind or heart of someone else

13.…he feigned a great effort to open the bottle without success.他假装使出大劲儿,还是没有拧开瓶盖。

He pretended that he had to use a great effort to open the bottle,but he failed.

feign sth./that (正式)假装……

When his mother came in,he feigned that he was reading a book.当他妈进来时,他假装在读书。

14.What impelled the boy to take so much trouble to spare the feelings of a stranger? Courtesy,compassionate courtesy 是什么促使这个年轻人不厌其烦地这么做?是礼貌,基于同情心的礼貌。(为了不让一个陌生人感到自己无用而难堪)

Why did the boy take a lot of trouble so that a stranger wouldn't feel embarrassed?

impel *****. to do /to sth 促使 … 干 …

What impelled him to accept the dirty job? 什么使他接受这么脏的工作?

The increasing inflation impelled the government to extreme measures. 日益严重的通货膨胀迫使政府采取了一些极端的措施。

take the trouble to do sth. 费劲去做 ……

In order to exercise her fingers,the old woman took the trouble to wash clothes by herself. 为了练她的手指,老妇人不怕麻烦自己洗衣服。

spare ****. from sth.:to prevent ****. from having an unpleasant experience 使人免受 …… (不愿意之事)

To spare her embarrassment,don't ask her about her parent's devoice. 为了不使她难堪,别问她有关她父母离婚的事。

15.…the capacity to treat all people alike regardless of all status or importance 能够不管人们的社会地位的高低或是起作用的大小,对所有的人都一视同仁。

the capacity to treat all people equally whether they are socially important people or just ordinary citizens.

treat ******. alike:一视同仁

Teachers should treat all students,clever or slow,alike. 老师应该对所有的学生,不管是聪明的还是苯的,一视同仁。


like 用作形容词时,表示“相似的”,在句子里可作定语。 We have like attitudes towards the matter. 我们在这件事上的观点大致相同。

alike 词性为形容词和副词,用作形容词时,表示“相同的,相似的”,但在句子里只能做表语。 The two sisters look exactly alike.

regardless of:paying no attention to 不顾

Regardless of danger,he climbed the tower all alone. 不顾危险,他独自一人爬那个塔。

He bought her girl friend whatever she wanted regardless of the expenses. 不管花多少钱,他给他女朋友买她所要的任何东西。

16. Even when you have doubts about some people,act as if they are worthy of your best manners.既使对有些人你不太有把握(他们是否值得你的礼遇),也要以礼相待,就向他们值得你这样对待他们一样。

Even when you are not sure whether some people deserve your good manners,treat them as if they do.

have doubt about ******./sth 对 … 有怀疑

I had little doubt that we would earn profits from the project. 我毫不怀疑我们这个项目能盈利。

worthy of 值得

The new method is worthy of trying. 新方法值得一试。

His heroic deeds are worthy of all praises. 他的英雄行为值得大大表扬。

17. You may also be astonished to find out that they deserve your courtesy.你或许很可能惊奇地发现,他们确实值得你以礼相待。

find:to discover unexpectedly or by chance

I have not yet found the key I lost three days ago . 我没找到三天前掉的钥匙。

find out:to discover through examination or enquiry

We must find out the truth about the matter. 我们必须找出事情的真相。

18.All skills require constant repetition to become second nature ; good manners are no exception . 一切技能都需要经常反复而后才能成为第二天性,礼貌也是如此。

If you want to acquire a skill,you have to practice it again and again. It is the same with good manners,which you won't acquire unless you practice them constantly.

second nature:something you have done so often that you do it almost without thinking. 第二天性、习性

It has become a second nature to him to turn off all the lights before leaving the office. 离开办公室前把所有的灯都关了已成为他的习惯了。

be no exception…is included in…不看成是例外,同样适用

All residents must obey these traffic regulations. High-ranking officials are no exception.所有居民都要遵守这些交通规则。高级官员也不例外。

All men between 18 and 35 without exception are expected to serve in the army.所有18到35岁的男人,都要服兵役,没有例外。

19.to concentrate on your performance in a specific area for about a week. ( …… )就是在一个星期左右的时间内,集中改进你在某一方面的具体表现。

You can begin by guarding against one bad type of manner for about a week.


Don't be absent-minded. Please concentrate your attention on the experiment.别开小差。把注意力集中在实验上。

20.Or driving a car,why not watch yourself sternly for aggressive driving… 或是改进开车的举止,你可以严格监视自己是否开起车来很霸道 ……

Why not…?用来提建议

It's a fine day. Why not go to the Fragrant Hill? 天气很好。我们干吗不去香山? But why not write to Bob for help?干吗不给鲍勃写信请他帮帮忙?

watch ***./oneself/sth. for :to pay attention to sth. so that you notice it either

because you don't want to miss it or because you want to avoid it 留心……以寻找……,注意……以找出

They grew quiet and watched to see what would happen next.他们安静下来,注意将发生事么事。

The company's sales department is watching the market for the opportunity to launch new products. 公司的销售部门正关注市场情况,看有否机会推出他们的新产品。



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