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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

30.…some people are suspicious of gr acious treatment.They suspect the other person of having some ulterior motive.有些人对别人的善待怀有疑心,他们怀疑别人有什么不可告人的动机。

be suspicious of/about ****./sth.对某人或某物、某事起疑心

She suddenly became kind to us,and we were suspicious of her intention.她突然对我们好起来了,我们对她的意图有怀疑。

suspect *******.of sth./doing sth.怀疑某人做……

He was suspected of taking bribes.他被怀疑受贿。

31.But some of the most precious gift in life come with no strings attached.可是生活中的有些最宝贵的赠品却是不带有任何附加条件的。

But some of the precious things we enjoy in life such as a beautiful day,a sunset,or be pleasant smell of a rose are gifts from nature,offered to every one of us unconditionally.

with no strings attached:without imposing any condition on the recipient 没有附带条件的

China gives aids to developing countries with no strings attached.中国对发展中国家的援助是不附带任何条件的。

32.Those are the world's courtesies to us,offered with love and without thought of reward of return,这些都是大自然对我们的恩惠,以爱心赠与我们,毫不考虑是否会有奖赏或回报。

These things are generously given by Nature.She gives them away with love,expecting nothing in return.

33.Good manner are,or should be like that.礼貌也是如此,或者说应该如此。

Good manners should also be offered without thought of reward or return.

34.In the end,it all come down to how you regard people… 最终,礼貌的实质是你如何看待人 ……

Finally,it can be summed up as a simple matter of your attitudes towards people…

come down to sth…。 be a simple matter可归结为……。

This matter comes down to what road to take in our modernization drive.这个问题归根结底是我们在努力实现现代化的过程中走那条路的的问题。

The whole matter comes down to a competition for human resources.整个问题可以归结到是对人才的竞争。

35.The only constant,daily,effective solution is politeness——which is the golden rule in action.唯一能经常、每天使用的有效办法就是以礼待人这个行为准则。

Politeness is the only effective behaviour we can show readily day after day.This is an important principle to follow so that we shall succeed in what we're doing.

golden rule:an important thing to remember to do in order to be successful.金科玉律



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