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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

lesson 2

1. It was asserting the impossibility of miracles that he discovered his extraordinarypowers.正是在他斩钉截铁地说奇迹不可能发生的时候,他发现了自己的特异功能。

…was saying / stating clearly and forcefully that there were no such things as miracles.

assert vt.断言;(坚决)主张,维护

He asserted his judgment to be right. 他断言自己的判断是对的。

miracle:a surprising and welcome act or event which does not follow the known law

of nature and is therefore thought to be caused by God 奇迹

power:a particular ability of the body or mind能力,才能;体力,精力

special:特别的,格外的when writing a composition,he pays special attention to the correctness of grammar.写作文时,他特别注意语法的正确。

extraordinary:非凡的,异乎寻常的He had acquired an extraordinary command of the English language.他对英语语言的掌握非凡的好。

2. Toddy Beamish opposed everything he said by a monotonous but effective “So you say,”and drove him to the limit of his patience. 无论他说什么,托德。 比米什都说同一句单调却又很起作用的话加以反对:“这可是你说的,”这真使他忍无可忍。

Whatever he said,Toddy Beamish world disagree and say “That's only what you say,in a dull and unchanging,but effective way; this made him so angry that he could no longer put up with it.

So you say:是你这么说的(意思是:事实并非如此)

drive *****. + adj/prep. phrase/to do sth:cause or force *****. to go into a specific unpleasant state or to do a specific thing…… 将某人逼入不悦的境地;迫使某人去做 …。

Unemployment and the death of his wife drove him to desperation. 失业和他的妻子死去把他逼向绝望。

Hunger drove him to steal. 饥饿使他去偷窃。

the limit of one's patience.忍无可忍,无法忍受

The unceasing cries of the children almost drove me the limit of my patience. 孩子不停的哭声几乎使我无法忍受。

3. Mr. Fotheringay determined to make an unusual effort 佛泽林盖先生决心作出点不寻常的事来。

determine to do/ be determined to do决心,决定,决意,下定决心

My mother is determined that I should enter business after graduation. 我母亲决意要我毕业后从商。

I determined to continue to work in Tibet though my tenure was over. 尽管我的任期已满,我决定继续在西藏工作。

make an effort to do:努力,尽力

Every effort should be made to improve the investment environment of Beijing. 应尽一切努力来改善北京的投资环境 .

4. It's something contrary to the course of nature done by power of Will.奇迹是通过意志的力量产生违反自然规律的事物。

A miracle is something caused by the will of God,which is impossible according to the ordinary laws of nature.

contrary to:(介词) 违反,与……相反

Contrary to our expectation,the Chinese football team lost all the games in the World Cup.与我们的期望相反,中国足球队在世界杯比赛中一场球也没赢。

Contrary to popular belief,the film turned out to be a failure.与大众的看法相反,这部电影结果是个失败。

on the contrary:相反地(用来强调不同意前面所提到的观点)

He was thought of useless. On the contrary,He proved to be useful. 人们都认为他这个人没用,恰恰相反,他被证明很有用。

5.…that lamp,in the natural course of nature,couldn't burn like that upside down,could it,Beamish?在通常自然规律情况下,那盏灯倒过来不会燃烧,是不是,比米什?

According to the normal laws of nature,that lamp couldn't burn upside dowm.

upside down:颠倒的,倒置地

John,you have hung the photo upside down.约翰,你把那盏灯挂倒了。

When she entered the room,she found that the thief had turned the room upside down. 当她进入房间时,发现小偷把她的房间翻得乱七八糟。

6.“And you?”said Fotheringay,“You don't mean to say…?”“那你说呢?”佛泽林盖说,“难道你的意思是说?”

What do you say?/ What's your opinion? Said Fotheringay.

7.it was enough to make anyone say “Hullo!”the incredible was visible to them all. 这足以让任何人惊叫一声“哎呀”!令人难以置信的事就摆在大伙眼前。

What happened following Mr. Fortheingay's command was something that puzzled everyone present. (All of them saw the unbelievable thing happen. The miracle occurred right before the eyes of everyone on the spot.)

hullo:(Br.E) used to show that you are surprised or confused by sth.

be visible to *******. :can be seen by ******.对…… 来说能看得见的

Her anger at the insult was visible to everyone present.每一个在场的人都看出他的气愤。

The house is barely visible behind the dense woods.在浓密的树林后面房子几乎看不见。

8.Mr. Cox,the landlord,was the first to speak and his remark was to the effect that Fotheringay was a fool. 店主科可斯先生首先开口,他的话大意是说佛泽林盖当众出丑了。

He made a few remark meaning that Fotheringay had made a fool of himself.

the first (the last) to do:第一个(最后一个)做……

She is always the first to arrive and the last to leave. 她总是第一个到,最后一个离开。

to the effect:with the meaning,or giving the information that…。大意是……

He gave a speech to the effect that appreciation of RMB would affect the growth of Chinese economy.他作了一个演讲,大意是人民币升值会影响中国经济的增长。

She issued a statement to the effect that she would resign from the post.她发表了一个声明说她不会从那个位置上退下去。

9. Fotheringay himself was astonished beyond measures at the thing that had occurred. 佛泽林盖对眼前所发生的事非常震惊。

Fotheringay himself was extremely surprised at the thing that had happened.

be astonished at:对……大为吃惊

We were astonished at his sudden decision of resignation form the Board of Directors.我们对他突然决定退出董事会感到十分吃惊。

beyond measure:非常,……之极

No one envied him,for he was popular beyond measure 没人妒忌他,他太受欢迎了。

10.The subsequent conversation threw no light on the matter,and everyone accused Fotheringay of a silly trick. 接下来的谈话也没有弄清这到底是怎么一会事,大家都指责说是佛泽林盖搞的鬼把戏。

Then the people in the bar talked about what had happened,but could not understand what caused the lamp to hang burning upside down. So they blame Fotheringay for playing a silly trick on them.

throw /shed/cast light on/upon:make sth clearer使明白,把………理出头绪

Discovery of the virus threw no light on the cause of SARS.新病毒的发现并没有使人们搞清楚SARS的起因。

The new facts threw some lights on the matter.新的事实给这件事理出了一些头绪。

throw /shed/cast light on/upon:make sth clearer 使明白,把 ……… 理出头绪

Discovery of the virus threw no light on the cause of SARS. 新病毒的发现并没有使人们搞清楚 SARS 的起因。

The new facts threw some lights on the matter. 新的事实给这件事理出了一些头绪。

accuse ******************. of:指控,指责

He was accused of taking bribery. 他被指控受贿。

She accused her father of having broken his word 她责备她父亲食言。



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