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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

11.And with their tongue swollen and their cheeks sunken,they were half crazy……

Half:used before an adjective describing an extreme quality,as a way of

emphasizing and exaggerating sth.用于表示极端状况的形容词前,强调并夸大某种情况,有点儿

eg:After a hard day's work,the poor girl was half dead with tiredness.


eg:Give me something to eat.I'm half starved. 快给我点东西吃,我都要饿死了

eg:When she returned home she found the door half open. 回到家她发现门半开着。

12.The way I judge it we must be some two hundred miles

The way I judge it:样子,方式

eg:I like the way she smiles.我喜欢她笑的样子。

eg:I don't like the way he speaks to his boss 我不喜欢他对上司说话的样子

13.Now that.the storms were over,the Atlantic swells were long and easy,and the morning sun was hot-so hot it scorched your skin.

Now that:既然,由于

eg:Now that you want to know the truth,I'll tell you about it.既然你想知道真相,那我就告诉你。

14.My own tongue was thick enough to stop my throat


eg:Let's stop the hole with some rags. 用破布把那个洞堵上吧。

15.I'd have given the rest of my life for a single gulp of water.

I'd have given此句省略了虚拟条件句if I could allow myself to do so要是我能让自己这么做的话

16.As long as we could look forward to getting a drink later,there was something to live for.

look forward to:期待,期盼

eg:Children are looking forward to the coming of holidays 孩子们在期盼着假日的到来

17.If I'd given in to the curses we'd have emptied the last canteen days ago.

give in to: 屈服于……

The authorities have shown no signs of giving in to the hijackers'demands


Parents should not often give in to their children's demands.当对子女的要求言听计从

Liu Hu-lan would rather die than give in.刘胡兰宁死不屈。

18.in fact,he'd slept through most of the night——and Ienvied him

envy sb.sth:因……羡慕或嫉妒某人

eg:I envy Xiao Li his large vocabulary. 我羡慕小李词汇量那么大

eg:We envy the old man his good health. 我们都羡慕那位老人身体好

19.We'll ration the rest of the water tonight


eg:Owing to the energy crisis,the city authorities decided to ration oil.


eg:young people today can hardly imagine why food had to be rationed in those days.


20.Couldn't he understand that if we waited until night the few drops wouldn't be sweated out of us so fast?

Couldn't 这是个否定疑问句,表示责备

eg:Can't you stop making noises? 难道你不能停止吵闹吗?

eg:Couldn't you ask about it yourself? 你难道自己就不会问一下吗?



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