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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

1.While traveling for various speaking engagements,I frequently stay overnightin the home of a family and am assigned to one of the children's bedrooms.——On my speaking tour,I often stay in the house of a family for the night and I am given one of the children's bedrooms.


stay overnight:过夜

eg:Jane's parents never allows her to stay overnight at any of her friends'


eg:It was too late,he had to stay overnight at the station.

2.no room for my small toilet kit.没有地方放我那小小洗漱包。


eg:There is enough room in the car for 5 persons. 车里有足够的空间坐五个人。

Make room for 给……腾地方/空间

eg:Could you please make room for me? 你能给我腾个地方吗?

3.And the closet is usually so tightly packed with clothes that I can barely squeeze in my jacket.——The closet is usually so full of clothes that I can hardly put my jacket in.

(1)be packed with 装满了

eg:The box is packed with books. 这个箱子装满了书

eg:The hall was packed with guests.大厅里挤满了人

4.I am not complaining,only making a point.我并不是抱怨,只是表明一个看法。


eg:The people in that area often complain about bad weather.那个地区的人们常常抱怨槽糕的天气。

(2)make a one's point 发表看法,证明立论

eg:Every one can make their points at the meeting.每个人都可以发表自己的看法。

make a point of doing决心做,坚持做

5.I think that the tendency to give children an overabundance of toys and clothes is quite common in American families,and I think in far too many families not only do children come to take their parents' generosity for granted,but also the effects of this can actually be somewhat harmful to children.…。

the tendency to do 做——的倾向

eg:The conditions in some schools have a tendency to improve.一些学校的条件呈现改善趋势

6.Children can also be overindulged with too many privileges——for example,when parents send a child to an expensive summer camp that parents can't really afford.

be overindulged with过分享受到

7.Parents who both hold down full-time jobs may feel guilty about the amount of time they spend away from their children and may attempt to compensate by showering them with material possessions.

(1)hold down a job:有稳定的工作;做好工作以保住饭碗

eg:He is always working hard to hold down his job. 他在努力工作以便保住工作。

(2)feel guilty about对……感到内疚

eg:He felt guilty about spoiling the computer of his friend's. 他为弄坏了朋友的电脑感到内疚。

(3)shower sb.with sth.给某人大量的:

When he returned with victory,our country showered him with great honors.


8.Other parents overindulge because they want their children to have everything they had while growing up,along with those things the parents yearned for but did't get.

along with sth./sb.:除此之外;同样;一起

eg:They got financial aid,along with encouragement.他们得到了资助,也得到了鼓励。

eg:He,along with his best friends,went to the party

9.Overindulgence of a child also happens when parents are unable to stand up to their children's unreasonable demands

stand up to 后面一般跟sb.,表示顶住某人要求等

eg:If you stand up to them,they will stop troubling you. 你要是顶住,他们就不会再麻烦你了。

stand up to sth:(物质或物品)耐磨,耐用

In 1998,the dam stood up to the severest flood in history.1998年,那个大坝经受了历史上最严重的洪水的考验

10.Such parents vacillate between saying no and giving in——but neither response seems satisfactory to them

vacillate between:(正式)犹疑

eg:She vacillated between her two admirers. 在两个追求者之间,她举棋不定。



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