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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

11.If they refuse a request,they immediately feel a wave of remorse for having been so strict or ungenerous.


12.If they give in,they feel regret and resentment over having been a pushover.

pushover:someone who is easily influenced or defeated易被劝服(或击败、引诱、欺骗等)的人

eg:He was always trying new medicines and was a pushover for all the advertisements he saw.


13.This kind of vacillation not only impairs the parents' ability to set limits,it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree,robbing parents and their children of some of the happiness and mutual respect that should be present in healthy families.…。

impair:to damage sth.or make sth.weaker:

eg:The accident impaired his vision. 那次事故损伤了他的视力

14.Instead,the effects of overindulgence can be harmful.Children may,to some degree tbecome greedy,self-centered,ungrateful and insensitive to the needs and feelings of others,beginning with their parents.

to some degree 在某种程度上

eg:I agree to your proposal to some degree. 我在一定程度上同意你的建议。

insensitive to:对……感觉迟钝;不敏感;不在乎

eg:Doctors found him insensitive to pain. 医生发现他对疼痛不敏感。

15.When children are given too much,it undermines their respect for their parents.

undermine:to make sth./sb.gradually weaker or less effective破坏,毁坏

eg:These incidents could seriously undermine support for the police.


16.if they push too hard,they will force their parents into setting limits.

force sb.into doing/to do强迫/迫使某人做某事

He was forced to sell his house to pay off his debts. 他被迫卖房子来还债

17.They have fewer opportunities to learn the value of money,and have less experience in learning to deal with a delay in gratification,it every requested object is given on demand.

have opportunities to do:有机会做的

eg:He had a lot of opportunities to communicate with foreigners when he was at


have experience in doing

eg:He has a lot of experience of dealing with rejects. 他有处理退货问题的经验

18.Rather my intent is to help those parents who have already sensed that they might be overindulging their children but don't know how to stop——My purpose is to offer some advice some advice to those parents who have somewhat realized that they are overindulging their children but don't know how to stop.


eg:He seemed pleased to hear the criticism.Or rather,he pretended to be pleased

19.Parents who are fortunate enough not to have a problem with feelings of guilt don't need to respond crossly to their children when denying a specific request which is thought to be unreasonable.

have a problem with有问题

20 It's the cheerfulness and lack of hesitation that impress upon the child that parents mean what they say.

impress sth.on/upon sb./one's mind/memory使某人对……明确无误,使铭记在脑海/记忆中

eg:The manager impressed upon the salesmen the importance of creating new markets.




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