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发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

1.Early Kinship with Nature 早期与自然结友 Carson's love of Nature in her childhood

kinship:(written) a feeling of being close

eg:As he had lived in the village for ten years during the cultural revolution,he felt a sense of kinship with the young migrant workers from the village.

因为他在 文化革命期间在那个村子里生活了十年,他对来自那个村的年轻民工有一种亲切感。

2.She is at ease with them 她与树林里的生灵在一起感到轻松舒畅。

be/feel at (one's )ease:be completely relaxed (心情)轻松。

The young girl will make a good nurse for she feels most at ease with small children.


3.It was comforting to suppose that the stream of life would flow on through time in whatever course God had given it-without interference by one of the drops in that stream-man


One felt comfortable and relaxed to think that life would go on forever along the way Nature has directed free from interference by man.

one of the drops in that stream:in the stream of life man is one of the creatures.

4.The little girl,like many people,feels that these wonders of Nature are precious andpermanent.

depend on sb./sth.(for sth.):依靠,依赖……而获得

eg:The country depends on its oil-rich neighbours for its oil supply.


have sth.as one's food以什么为主食

eg:Most southern people live on rice.多数南方人以大米为主食。

5.It was pleasant to believe,“…” that much of Nature as forever beyond the tampering reach of man thing in his life.

1)much of Nature:大自然中存在的许多东西

2)beyond the tampering reach of man:人类无法干预和改变

tamper (with):损害,削弱,篡改

eg:He found his program has been tampered with.他发现有人篡改了他的程序。

tamper with history,sb's teachings…篡改历史,某人的学说

6.As a scientist,she learned with sadness that little in Nature is truly beyond the “tampering reach of man

As a scientist,it made her sad to learn that man could almost do everything he wanted with Nature.

Beyond the reach of sb; beyond/out of sb.' reach:


Please put these chemicals out of children's reach.


The problem is beyond the reach of my understanding.


7 Then,angrily aware of the harsh facts concerning the present and future dangers to the environment,she used her great skills as a writer to sound a startling warning to mankind .后来,她十分气愤地意识到人类当今和将来的生存环境正面临危险的严酷事实,她利用自己杰出的创作才能向人类发出了惊人的警告。

1)be aware of…,be aware that…:realizing that意识到

unaware of…,unaware that… not realize …没意识到,没察觉到

Now more and more people are aware of the importance of environmental protection.


From the expression on the doctor's face,she was aware that her son’s illness was very serious.


He was unaware that their talk had been overheard.


2)concerning prep.:in connection with (正式)关于 ,与……有关的

Please inform me concerning the new sales plan.请把关于新销售计划的情况告诉我。

The book deals with questions concerning China's foreign policy.


3)sound a startling warning:

sound vt.:发出信号

startling :very unusual or surprising 令人吃惊的,惊人的,

a startling achievement 不凡的成就

startling results 惊人的结果

startling facts 触目惊心的事实



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