  查字典自考网 >> 公共课 >> 08年1月自考“英语(二)”复习资料(1)


发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网


1. 动词


1. Lots of empty beer bottles were found under the young man's bed; he __________ heavily.

A. must have drunk B. must drink C. should drink D. had to drink

2. __________ home, she found that she had left the key at the office.

A. To have arrived B. To arrive C. While arriving D. Arriving

3.In deciding __________ a course of action,the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters.

A. what to pursue B. which to pursue C. whether to pursue D. if to pursue

4. __________,they began to get down to business.

A. The holidays are over B. The holidays were over

C. The holidays being over D. The holidays had been over

5. __________ nothing to say,the boy shied way from the crowd.

A. Have B. Having C. Had D. Having being

6. The young doctor could not sleep at night,the worsening condition of a patient __________ him.

A. disturbing B. disturbed C. being disturbed D. to disturb

7. Should she come tomorrow,I __________ take her to the museum.

A. can B. will C. would D. must

8.If we __________ everything ready by now, we should be having a terrible time tomorrow.

A. hadn't got B. didn't get C. wouldn't have got D. wouldn't get

9. __________ for your help,I would not have over come the psychological pressures and tensions.

A. Not been B. Without being C. Had it not been D. Not having been

10.Would't you rather your child __________ successful with his study and won the scholarship?

A. became B. become C. would become D. becomes

11.You needn't __________ him about this since he could find out for himself.

A. tell B. be telling C. have told D. have to tell

12. If you ______ my advice,you wouldn't be in such trouble now.

A. took B. takes C. has taken D. had taken

13. The meeting ______,we left the room quickly for dinner.

A. over B. was over C. is over D. been over

14. All the money ______,Frederick started looking for work.

A. having spent B. has been spent C. having been spent D. had been spent

15. ______ his talk when Mary ran out of the lecture hall.

A. Hardly had be begun B. Hardly he had begun

C. Hardly he has begun D. He hardly had begun

16. Much of the carbon in the earth __________(come)from things that once lived.

17. China is not what she __________(use)to be.

18. In the past two decades,research __________(expand)our knowledge about sleep and dreams.

19. Television ads __________ usually __________(repeat)over and over again.

20.Some proverbs _______ (be)in the language for 1,000 years,for example,A friend in need is a friend indeed.

21.The nations that __________ actively __________ (involve)in earthquake prediction programs include Japan, China,Russia,and the United States.

22.In 1991,after the Gulf War,Bush's approval rating reached 91 percent,the highest level recorded since polling __________(begin)in the 1930s.

23.Seeing violence on television or reading about it in the newspapers every day __________ (make)us tolerate crime more than we should.

24.All the worries they might have felt for him __________ (drive) off by the sight of his cheerful face.

25.Little did they realize that they __________(make)an important discovery in science.

26. Some people think relations between people _____ (deteriorate) so much that understanding and friendship are almost impossible.

27. Let's hurry up. She _____ (must, wait) for us.

28. Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what _____ (happen) to her.

29. Many a writer of newspaper articles __________ (turn) to writing novels during the past decade.

30. There __________ (estimate) to be more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain in 1995.

31. So far, Irving __________ (live) in New York City for ten years.

32. The patient __________ (send) to another hospital before we got there.

33. Coffee delays the body clock in the morning,and __________ (advance) it at night.

34.Cancer research __________ (make) all over the world in the past twenty years.

35.There was a mistake on my paycheck. I __________ (receive) 10more.

36.The second half of the nineteenth century __________ (witness) the first extended translation into English of the writings of Eliphas Levi.

37. Once harm __________ (do) to the environment,it takes years to have the system recovered.

38. This project __________ (accomplish) by the end of 2006 will greatly improve the basic facility of the city.

39. Investigations into the cause of the shipwreck show that the ship _________ (sink) the moment it hit the rock .

40. If that sounds like far-fetched fantasy,consider these interesting findings that __________ (emerge) from eight years of sleep and dream research at the VA Hospital.

41. A great number of the body's events __________ (schedule) to occur at a certain time of day.

42. It is these messages that __________ (form) the basis of the child's self-esteem.

43. With all this done,I __________ (free) from all troubles and responsibilities.

44.If you cannot understand,ask:"Would you mind __________(rephrase)the question,please?"

45. Many preschool teachers do not like to have commercially make toy weapons __________ (bring) into the classroom.

46. Robots, already taking over human tasks in the automotive field, are beginning __________(see)in other industries as well.

47. Let us consider the earth as a planet _________(revolve)round sun.

48.A man cannot be really happy if what he enjoys __________(do)is ignored by society as of no value or importance.

49.Anyone _________(want)to understand the industry of the future will have to know about robotics.

50.It is a well-know fact that a person will move in a circle when he cannot use his eyes ________(control)his direction.

51.As research techniques become more advanced,the number of animals ____(use)in experiments may decrease.

52.Robots, __________ (become) increasingly prevalent in factories and industrial plants throughout the developed world,are programmed and engineered to perform industrial tasks without human intervention.

53.They were often compelled __________ (work) twelve or fourteen hours a day.

54.It has been proved that their best ideas seem __________ (occur) when they were relaxing.

55.Her body,with hands and feet __________ (bind),was discovered by a traveler early in the morning.

56.Anyone __________ (want) to live in the new century will have to know about the computer.

57.It has been proved that some people's best ideas seem __________ (occur) when they are relaxing and daydreaming.

58.They may have their passports __________ (remove), making leaving or "escaping"actually impossible.

59.This poem,if __________ (translate) word for word into Chinese,will make no sense.

60.Robots, already taking over human tasks in the automotive field, are beginning __________ (see), although to a lesser degree, in other industries as well.



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