  查字典自考网 >> 公共课 >> 08年1月自考“英语(二)”复习资料(8)


发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

3. 定语从句

1) 一个具有文学艺术欣赏力的人能胜任这项工作。

A person who appreciates / A person with appreciation of art and literature is qualified for the job.

2) 处理这项事务的政府部门没有做统计。

The government department that deals with this does not keep statistics.

3) 短缺并未严重到你报道的那种程度。

The shortage do not exist to the extent that you report.

4. 比较级和最高级

1) 快速旅行对人体的影响比我们意识到的要大得多。

The effects of rapid travel on the human body are much greater than we realize.

2) 一个社会的人口增长率越接近零,其人口便越老龄化。

The nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is.

3) 近年来,计算机在各个领域的应用越来越广泛。

In recent years, the computer is finding wider and wider application in all fields.

4) 时间是世界上最容易浪费也是最难以把握的东西。

Time is the easiest thing in the world to waste and the most difficult thing to control.


On the average, men are higher than women by several inches/several inches higher than women.


The test was much more difficult than we had expected.

5. 动词

1) 众所周知,即使同样的休闲活动,不同的人可能使用的方式也不相同。

It is well known that even the same leisure activity may be used differently by different individuals.

2) 据说那个病人曾要求医生助他一死。

The patient is said to have asked the doctor to help him die.

3) 几年前被认为不可能实施的手术现在医院都能做。

Operations that were considered impossible a few years ago can now be performed in many hospitals.

4) 绝大多数医学上的重大进步都是建立在动物研究基础上的。

Most of the major medical advances are based on animal research.

5) 演唱者是由他的学生担任钢琴伴奏的。

The singer was accompanied on the piano by his pupil.

6) 我们匆匆忙忙地赶回学校,生怕天会下雨。

We hurried back to school lest it should rain.

7) 三年前她曾在伦敦一家茶厂工作,工资很低。

Three years age she used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in London.

8) 将来还会有脑力劳动和体力劳动的区别吗?

Will there be any difference between the mental and the manual labor in the future?

9) 警察已着手对这个案子进行细致、全面的调查。

The police have taken a detailed and comprehensive investigation into the case.

10) 人们对于如何达到这个目标有不同的看法。

People have different ideas/views about how to attain the goal.

11) 现在的问题不是读什么书而是怎样读书。

The problem now is not what to read,but how to read.

6. 强调句


At that time it was folk music that was popular among college students.



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