  查字典自考网 >> 公共课 >> 2012年自考“英语(二)”考前练习(4)


发布时间: 2016-06-28 来源:查字典自考网

61.It is no use arguing _______ the plan because it has been rejected.

A. with B. against C. for D. on

62.The boy complained _______ a pain in his stomach.

A. with B. for C. in D. of

63.It _______ me three years to draw the beautiful horses.

A. took B. paid C. spent D. cost

64.We are all concerned _______ her safety.

A. about B. in C. of D. with

65.It is important to ________ your skin from the harmful strong sunlight.

A. protect B. prevent C. stop D. keep

66.Water is composed _______ hydrogen and oxygen.

A. of B. with C. for D. about

67.They prefer to _______ the rest of the morning walking in the garden.

A. spending B. spent C. be spending D. spend

68.Please remind me _______ her this note.

A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left

69.The two girls competed with each other ______ the highest mark.

A. for B. with C. to D. against

70.At any rate I did not succeed _______ myself understood by you.

A. making B. made C. to make D. in making

71._______ for your laziness,you could have finished the assignment by now.

A. Had it not been B. It were not C. Weren‘t it D. Had not it been

72.The new discovery _______ be of great service to mankind.

A. is bound to B. is bound for C. be bound to D. be bound for

73.Sickness often _______ eating too much.

A. as a result of B. result of C. result in D. result from

74.It took me a month to get rid _______ the cough.

A. for B. as C. of D. over

75.They are eager _______ abroad.

A. travel B. travelled C. to travel D. travelling

76.I would love ________ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone

77.________ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose

78.—You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

—Well, now I regret ________ that.

A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done

79.The missing boys were last seen ________ near the river.

A. playing B. played C. play D. to play

80.The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, ________ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added





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